I wrote this adventure myself: https://sites.google.com/site/thehelpfulworm/
I can't reasonably describe it as "published" but it is online and playable.

Numenera is about exploring and discovering new technology.  I haven't been pleased with many of the published modules because they've felt more like linear travel and fighting monsters.  I think this adventure does a better job of that.

I ran the adventure twice, for new players both times.  The first time, three of the players seemed very happy with it; one player was frustrated because he'd made a lot of bad dice rolls.  The second time, nobody expressed any specific opinion, but they invited me back to their place to run a followup game, so I assume they were reasonably happy with it.

If you run this, please feel free to modify it, even (especially) on-the-fly, as the situation dictates.