# Traveller
Without a doubt, Traveller has to be my first recommend for this subgenre...


* Battle Dress is stolen liberally from Starship Troopers.
* The character generation model for CT, MT, T4, MGT, and T5 all show a serious limit upon player control over skills received, but at the same time, involve serious player choices.
* All the mentioned editions are available in PDF

Only 1 real change is needed: replace Social Standing with Charisma. Do this both for on the character sheet, and for what's required for various careers.

## Narrowing it down further
First Choice: MegaTraveller. <br> MegaTraveller has grid based, highly tactical combat, skills matter a lot,  and character generation provides a good bit more choice than CT does. Further, there are multiple types of battle dress in various MT sources (tho' some are hard to find now - The Traveller's Digest article on Battle Dress Armor is not in PDF.) Plus, the weapons shown are a good mix with the SST universe of the novel. The ship design system can easily do the Roger Young. Basic and Advanced characters can be mixed in the same party with no major discrepancies.

Classic Traveller: Use Striker and AHL.<br>
Classic Traveller with the Striker and Azhanti High Lightning (AHL) rules bolted on (there are notes for such in both) gives you a fast playing, highly lethal, combat system which can be used gridded (AHL) or in minis mode (Striker), detailed PCs, using either Bk 1 Basic Generation or Bk 4 Advanced Generation. Unlike MegaTraveller, you do not really want to mix Basic and Advanced Generation characters - Advanced have about 50-75% more skills on average.