My suggestion is that the character take a stunt related to manipulating consequences, rather than stress. Also, it should be a limited ability, either requiring resources to use, or having a set maximum number of uses. A character that simply doesn't take stress will, as you say, break the combat system, and being able to ignore pain doesn't prevent your body from being *damaged*. As a starting point, consider the Last Leg stunt from the [Fate Core website][1]: > **Last Leg:** You may spend fate points to keep standing. Any time you > would suffer a consequence or be taken out by physical stress, you may > spend a fate point to remain standing or otherwise defer a consequence > for one more exchange, or until you take stress again, whichever comes > first. Once the extra time you've bought is up, all the effects you > have deferred come to bear at once. You may keep spending fate points > each time the time limit expires until you run out. Personally, I think this is a bit weak for a stunt - it requires a Fate point to power it, and only lasts for one exchange. DFRPG powers often give significantly greater benefit-per-refresh than this, so I would suggest making something that uses a similar mechanic, but is better - allows the character to defer the consequence longer (in keeping with your description). Perhaps something like this: > **Ignore the Pain:** You may spend fate points to ignore injury... for a while. Once per scene, when you would take a physical consequence, > you may spend a Fate point to defer that consequence until the next > day (or the start of the next session, whichever comes first). If you > are unable to take the consequence when it returns, it rolls up to the > next higher consequence slot. If you cannot take it at all, you are > taken out at that time. [1]: