
The spell says the animated undead are "a foul mimicry of life", implying their decisions in life have no more effect on them mentally.  The spell also says "The target becomes a skeleton if you chose bones or a zombie if you chose a corpse (the GM has the creature’s game statistics)", meaning the zombies/skeletons you make are no different from a random one you might encounter, except for appearance.  

Also, when a creature retains its alignment and personality after being targeted by a shapeshifting feature/spell, it explicitly says so, for example, Polymorph says "It retains its alignment and personality."  Additionally, given a zombie's INT score of 3, and Neutral Evil alignment, it is unlikely to remember who you are and help you even if it wasn't a separate creature.  Finally, zombies can still be targeted by True Resurrection, as stated in the MM: "Once turned into a zombie, a creature can't be restored to life except by powerful magic, such as a resurrection spell. (Raise Dead and Revivify cannot do this though)"; this implies that zombies are a distinct entity from their original person.