The module you are talking about is WG7 World of Greyhawk Fantasy World Adventure Castle Greyhawk. Chapter 2 is the one you mentioned, "Level 2: It's my Party and I'll Die if I want to".

Monsters include: Goblin Butchers, Headless Mouse Horde, Giant Frog, Baby Bugbear, Flesh Golem Butler, Frantic Orc, Ogre Guards, Garbage Collector, Dish Carrier, Magical Broom. The demon is Asmodeus arch-devil. 

There are 12 chapters of silly adventures. 

 1. Against the Little Guys 
 2. It's My Party and I'll Die if I Want To 
 3. Too Many Cooks 
 4. There's No Place like Up 
 5. The Name of the Game 
 6. The Temple of Really Bad Dead Things 
 7. Queen of the Honeybee Hive 
 8. Of Kings and Colonels 
 9. Vices N Virtues 
10. Fluffy Goes Down the Drain 
11. Mordenkainen's Movie Madness
12. Where the Random Monsters Roam

[![WG7 Castle Greyhawk][1]][1]
