# Drow Need Eye Protection
You need to protect your eyes, of course, to negate that sunlight sensitivity. Your DM will need to choose what to do, but there are plenty of things that most DMs will allow:

 - Wrap thin cloth around your character's head, reducing the incoming light.
 - Find the equivalent of sunglasses, or wear armor with a visor. They essentially function like [these sunglasses][1], which you don't actually need magic to use or to make. While the rules don't explicitly say if a set of armor has a visor or not, but it's common in [actual pieces of armor][2], and it shouldn't be much of a stretch to allow this.
 - Wear a mask which have the properties mentioned in the last bullet point
 - Devise a dust-bomb, which helps to block the light.
 - Stick to shadows. Then you're not actually *in* the bright light, but this smacks of rules-lawyering, which some people dislike.
 - Do something to give you advantage, which negates this particular source of disadvantage

DnD 5e allows for things like this, so take advantage of them.

Also, there are options for the magic drow, but that has already been outlined. Some of which are:

 - Gain Devil's Sight and use darkness spells.
 - Gain True Strike, and use that advantage to negate your disadvantage
 - Don't use spells or weapons which rely on attack rolls. You mentioned you're a melee character, though, so this may not be much of an option.

  [1]: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&biw=1284&bih=778&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=sunglasses%20with%20holes%20in%20them&oq=sunglasses%20with%20holes%20in%20them&gs_l=img.3...5418.10214.0.10381.
  [2]: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&biw=1284&bih=778&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=knight%27s%20helmet&oq=knight%27s%20helmet&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i5l4.1257.3637.0.3812.