I play a Death Domain cleric, with 1 level in wizard so I can cast the *find familiar* spell. For my familiar, I have a gelatinous ice cube (stats of a oblex spawn). At lower levels, it was super fun but we are now level 5 and with only AC 13 and 18 HP, it is dying in literally every single fight. I find myself using two or three 1st-level spell slots to summon it each day. The DM allowed me to buy a helmet for my cube (though the helmet is not really being worn so much as it is *in* the cube); this gives my familiar an AC of 14, which is an improvement but not really helping as it is most often AoE spells that kill it. I'm looking for ways a cleric 5/wizard 1 can improve their familiar. - I have considered *shield of faith*, but this uses up my concentration and that a big deal to a cleric. - *Mage armor* seems to be the best idea for increasing the AC, as it lasts mostly all day, is only a 1st-level spell, and gives my familiar an AC of 16 (making it comparable to an average PC). Is there anything else to improve either the survivability or damage potential of my familiar? Additional information, my DM considers my familiar a magic item, fighter gets a +1 sword, I get a turn for my familiar. It sounds OP and was a bit at lv2 but has been quite balanced over all as it only has one attack and no bonus action or reaction.