The *Eberron Campaign Setting* on Random Starting Ages (27) lists a warforged's random starting age as 0 then +1d12 if its first class level is in a simple class like barbarian, +1d6 years if its first class level is in a moderate class like bard, and +1d4 years if its first class level is in a complex class like wizard. This is the *exact opposite* of how random starting ages are determined for other races: they enter play older the more complicated their first class. This seeming weirdness unmentioned by the *Eberron Campaign Setting* errata. Was an official explanation ever offered for warforged starting ages? That is, did a designer ever mention, for example, that because of, like, *a warforged's magical-mechanical brain*, a warforged takes longer to learn how to act on instinct than to learn how to perform complicated intellectual tasks?