My campaign setting currently requires a High Elf variant with three major caveats:

 - It cannot see in the dark.
 - It lacks the flexibility to choose its own racial spells. (Namely its cantrip)
 - It can't learn additional languages.

I'd like to make up for these three caveats by replacing them with an equally powerful suite of abilities. *(Note that by default "Sun Elf" is merely descriptive text added to the standard High Elf stat block.)*

Since the Sun Elves in my setting actually descend from a Sun Goddess, I saw fit to fill in the blanks with celestial-related features. Namely:

 - The essence of **Darkvision** and **Cantrip** have been merged into the *Light* cantrip.
 - The extra language has been replaced with the Noble Background's skill proficiencies.
 - To make up for the lost feature, I've added resistance to two relatively uncommon damage types.

Below is the new subrace breakdown:

> # Sun Elf (Variant)
> **Light Bearer.** You lose your racial Darkvision trait; instead you know the *Light* cantrip, which you can cast without requiring any material components. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

> **Ability Score Increase.** Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

> **Elf Weapon Training.** You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

> **Noble Heritage.** You have proficiency in the History and Persuasion skills.

> **Celestial Resistance.** You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

I'm not asking for advice or opinions. However, based on experience or game design expertise, **Are these two sets of features roughly equivalent to another?** I know that I can't remove the original features without adding something similar to replace them, but I'm afraid that this new selection is too powerful.