Say I wanted to create (and sell) an original design of the D&D 5e Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and some original cartography of Forgotten Realms locations. This would mostly be a reprint but original form and artwork. I understand that OGL doesn't cover this because the published books are under standard copyright law; [Source][1] and [Source - Section 18-g][2]

If this is correct on this, based on [this][3], I need to submit a request to them and get permission before producing anything.

Does this sound right? Am I missing something that makes this ok via OGL? Has anyone ever done this that knows the process which should be followed?


Thanks for the answers everyone! I mentioned 5e here as the ideal case. But, really this is more a collectable aimed at long time fans and DMs, so 3e works just as well. It appears it may be more realistic for me to do this with the [3.5e SRD][4] and just as interesting. I will post a similar question and link it here to discuss that.
