My personal abilities at graphic design are horrible.  I've tried making my own character sheets, to no avail.  So now I'm searching - one of my campaigns is using lots of the Pathfinder Unchained variant rules, and I could use a sheet for it.

My biggest concern is the Consolidated and Background skill systems.  Even the most editable sheet I've found has the names of all the default skills hardcoded in.  I don't mind if there's a lot of blank space, but I need a sheet that either a) doesn't have anything in the skill name slots, allowing us to customize our own skill lists; or b) has the names of the Consolidated Skills prefilled, with space below to write in our Background Skills.

Other options that a great sheet will include, but aren't strictly necessary (arranged from most to least useful):

A ridiculous amount of space for feats

Space somewhere for Loyalties (or just a lot of generic spaces in something like "Special Abilities" or even feats)

A few spaces (can be generic) for various point pools like Stamina and Hero Points

The Wound Thresholds somewhere near the HP section

A track or two for new Poisons and Diseases