___Be Prepared___ If the party makes a bunch of noise on the way in, the summoning should be completed just as they arise. To get this effect, simply have an encounter outside the necromancer's room - plenty of warning. ___Cover / Line of Sight___ The necromancer should have easy access cover, and the other monsters should provide barriers to line-of-sight. ___Powers___ If you're not opposed to adding powers to your elites/bosses, consider two types: defensive and healing. A minor to go invisible until next attack works pretty good. Nothing like a -5 modifier to have the party not waste dailies/encounters on the boss. Likewise, allowing the necromancer to banish a minion to provide temporary HP also works well - that way you get the benefit of the ignored monster transferred to the necromancer. > Snilvor, Goblin Emissary<sup>[ddi][1]</sup> (In the DM's Kit > adventure) > > **Triggered Actions** > > **"Die For Me"** At-Will > **Trigger**: A minion ally within Snilvor’s line of sight drops to 0 hit > points. > **Effect (No Action)**: Snilvor gains 5 temporary hit points. [1]: http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/monster.aspx?id=6035