### 1. Increase the damage dice for all natural weapons.

First let's address the *[Strong Jaw][1]* spell. It increases the damage rolls of each of your natural weapons. To address your secondary question, re-read the beginning of the spell's text:

> Each natural attack that creature makes...

Fortunately the spell description contains a table that shows the new damage values for your natural weapons. The [giant squid][2]'s normal size is Huge, and 2 sizes larger is Colossal. So the damage dice change as follows:

- 2d6 (bite) increases to 4d6.
- 1d6 (arms) has no match in the Huge column, so instead find any 1d6 and move two spaces right, which gives you 2d6.
- 4d6 (tentacles) is considered Colossal size on the chart, so you double it to 8d6. Since the giant squid uses tentacles for its constrict ability, you also increase the constrict damage dice.

### 2. Increase CMB and CMD by +1.

Next is the [Powerful Shape][3] feat. This effectively adds +1 to your CMB and CMD, but does not actually benefit your attack or damage rolls. For the giant squid, you add this bonus to your grapple check when using grab.

Note that the giant squid has the grab ability for its tentacles, which can be a secondary natural weapon. When you use [Wild Shape][4], you don't gain the creature's feats, so you don't gain [Multiattack][5]. If you use tentacles as a secondary attack, the resulting grab check could still be at a -5 penalty.


The offense statistics would be calculated as follows, using the druid's BAB and the adjusted Strength modifier (STR):

- Attack roll using a primary natural weapon = BAB + STR - 2 (size) + misc
- Bite damage roll = 4d6 + STR + misc
- Arms damage roll = 2d6 + STR + misc

- Secondary tentacles attack roll = BAB + STR - 2 (size) - 5 + misc
- CMB (such as primary tentacles grapple roll) = BAB + STR + 2 (size) + 1 + misc
- Secondary tentacles grapple roll = BAB + STR + 2 (size) + 1 - 5 + misc
- Tentacles damage roll (if primary) = 8d6 + STR + misc
- Tentacles damage roll (if secondary) = 8d6 + \$\lfloor\$STR*1/2\$\rfloor\$ + misc
- Constrict damage roll = 8d6 + \$\lfloor\$STR*3/2\$\rfloor\$

  [1]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/strong-jaw/
  [2]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/squid/giant-squid/
  [3]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/powerful-shape/
  [4]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/#Wild_Shape_Su
  [5]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/monster-feats#multiattack