**No** The text for **Weapon of the Gods** was corrected in errata on (4/25/2011) to make the wording consistent with the Compendium and clarify this issue. The power now reads: >**Weapon of the Gods** Cleric Attack 5 >*The weapon you touch glows with divine radiance, enhancing its attacks.* >**Daily** Divine >**Minor Action** Melee touch >**Target:** One held weapon >**Effect:** Until the end of the encounter, the target deals 1d6 extra radiant damage ***when used to make a weapon attack***. In addition, whenever an enemy is hit by a weapon attack using the target, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of the next turn of the target’s wielder. (emphasis added) Thus, the weapon must be used with a weapon attack in order to benefit from this power.