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49 votes

What are the ramifications of creating a homebrew world without an Astral Plane?

Only the following elements in the core rulebooks use the Astral Plane While it's impossible to list every possible Astral Plane interaction in D&D, the list of things in the three core rulebooks ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
31 votes

What are all the ways a player can get to the Astral Plane?

Ways to get to the Astral Plane specifically: Wild Magic Sorcerer's Wild Magic Surge Astral Projection spell Robe of Stars item Placing an item that creates an extradimensional space inside another ...
Miniman's user avatar
  • 145k
27 votes

Does Adamantine Armor protect your silver cord on the Astral Plane?

Yes, adamantine armor protects from the critical hits of a githyanki sword. You quoted the relevant rules: wearing an adamantine armor transforms any critical hit in a mundane hit, hence a githyanki ...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 32.2k
25 votes

Surviving Bag of Holding Bomb

Activate the bomb while you're more than ten feet away For example, using a Mage Hand to activate it, or your familiar, or the "Arrow of Total Destruction". Make yourself unable to ...
Dan B's user avatar
  • 90.5k
24 votes

Can you avoid the stress penalty of Wish by using Astral Projection?

You suffer the stress as normal The astral projection effect specifically applies to things that affect "your astral form" and "your physical body": Any damage or other effects ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
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21 votes

Surviving Bag of Holding Bomb

Echo Knight Shenanigans Technically the Echo Knight's Echo is not a creature. This is stated obtusely in its description (and has been argued before on hundred topics): This echo is a magical, ...
JFreeman's user avatar
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19 votes

What are all the ways a player can get to the Astral Plane?

Miniman's answer addresses the varied player-facing methods present in the game. This answer will thus constrain itself to DM-facing methods (i.e. methods that are the purview of cosmological ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
18 votes

What happens if an elemental is transported to the Astral Plane?

Not by RAW Monte Cook's A Guide to the Astral Plane was written for AD&D, which is quite far from 5e. The 5e DMG entry (46-48) for the Astral Plane says nothing about elementals, negative or ...
Icyfire's user avatar
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18 votes

Does a Quiver of Ehlonna create a gate to the Astral Plane?

It will open a gate. The key language is "similar." The referenced description states: Placing the haversack inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole, or ...
lightcat's user avatar
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17 votes

What are Astral Diamonds made of?

To my knowledge: Astral diamonds existed exclusively in 4E (it's definitely the only edition where they're a standardized unit of currency). I've seen people claim to remember them existing prior to ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
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16 votes

Can creatures from the Material Plane survive being sucked into the Astral Plane?

Though the PC's in the situation described won’t die straight away, the astral plane is a very dangerous place. I would refer to the DMG on pg: 47 A character who travels bodily to the Astral ...
rpgstar's user avatar
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14 votes

What happens when you put a bag of devouring inside of a bag of holding?

A Bag of Devouring is "a feeding orifice for a gigantic extradimensional creature", so what's inside it is still an extradimensional space, and should interact with a Bag of Holding the same as any ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
14 votes

How can an astral traveller's silver cord be severed? How difficult is it?

An astral traveler's silver cord is a difficult target Manual of the Planes on Silver Cord says Severing the silver cord that connects the form to the main body kills an astral traveler’s normal ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
14 votes

Can someone using "Astral Projection" gather materials scattered through the Astral Plane?

They go on a quest You can physically travel to the Astral with Plane Shift (or Gate, but Plane Shift is lower level and on more spell lists). If you know exactly where the item is, Plane Shift can ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
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13 votes

What does the Astral Sea look like?

If the astral plane is a "sea," you are a fish There is a description of the astral plane in the Dungeon Masters Guide (p. 46-47, bold added). There, it states: The Astral Plane is the realm of ...
Gandalfmeansme's user avatar
13 votes

Does a githyanki's silver sword instantly kill an astral traveler on a critical hit?

Yes, a githyanki will kill an astrally projected creature on a critical hit (which occurs 5% of the time for each non (dis)advantaged attack). However, since they can't kill you at all if they don't ...
Dale M's user avatar
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13 votes

Traveling through the Astral Plane

You enter the new plane whole From the spell description: Your astral form can freely travel through the Astral Plane and can pass through portals there leading to any other plane. If you enter a new ...
Szega's user avatar
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13 votes

Which Planes Border the Astral Plane in the Great Wheel Cosmology?

The default 5E cosmology is unclear on some of the connections. I'll give the best answers I can give here on how the Astral borders other planes in the default cosmology: The prime Material Plane (...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
  • 13.1k
12 votes

Does a wizard pass through the Astral Plane when teleporting?

In D&D 3.5 this was true, as the quote below shows. In D&D 5e nothing in the rules makes it necessary to travel through the astral plane to teleport. Magic has changed. (Plenty of things ...
Nepene Nep's user avatar
  • 19.1k
11 votes

Can a Rope Trick Spell Scroll and a Bag of Holding open up the gate to the Astral Plane?

Regardless of how the rope trick spell is cast, a portal to the Astral Plane will not appear when a Bag of Holding enters the extradimensional space The Bag of Holding states: Placing a bag of ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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11 votes

Will loot you find on the Astral Plane while using the Astral Projection spell remain in your possession when the spell ends?

No, you can't take things back from the Astral Plane, because you don't physically go there; your consciousness does. The description of the Astral Plane in the DMG states (p. 46; emphasis mine): The ...
harlandski's user avatar
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11 votes

Would a store or shop exist in the ethereal plane in 5e?

There's nothing mechanical that prevents this. Page 48 of the DMG has details about both the Border Ethereal and Deep Ethereal, which are places you can travel through. And according to the ...
Mwr247's user avatar
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10 votes

Does a wizard pass through the Astral Plane when teleporting?

Characters do not travel through the Astral Plane when teleporting. From the PHB You teleport yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You arrive at exactly the spot ...
John Carroll's user avatar
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10 votes

Can a Bag of Holding be used with Astral Projection to move items to or from the Astral Plane?

This is up to the DM. The spell description simply does not give us a clear idea of the relationship between your real possessions and those possessions you have while under astral projection. Your ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
10 votes

Surviving Bag of Holding Bomb

Word of Recall While I think that for practical purposes Banishment is the best option, as it is lower level and is a generally useful spell to prepare even without this application, Word of Recall ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
9 votes

What are the ramifications of creating a homebrew world without an Astral Plane?

It's impossible to cover every scenario You are trying to create a homebrew universe, which is awesome. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to cover all your bases but just deal with issues as they ...
NotArch's user avatar
  • 126k
9 votes

Sightseeing in the Astral Plane

Remember that the Astral plane is the major highway between the prime material plane and each outer plane - literally anything could be using that highway: prime material dwellers, Angels, Devils, ...
Dale M's user avatar
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9 votes

What books deal with gith (any variety) and the Astral Plane?

You're fortunate in that Githyanki lore has remained remarkably consistent across the various editions. Even their 4e lore, which shifted them to an entirely new cosmology, preserved their lore in ...
cjjscrawfordbigpondcom's user avatar
9 votes

Can you avoid the stress penalty of Wish by using Astral Projection?

Per a comment above, I don't think a tight letter-of-the-rules analysis approach is going to work very well-- I just don't think the various rules and spell descriptions are written well enough or ...
Novak's user avatar
  • 45.5k
9 votes

If a character's body is affected by the Forbiddance or Private Sanctum spells, would it prevent the Astral Projection spell from working?

You cannot use Astral Spell from an area that blocks planar travel Private Sanctum states as one of the options which I assume you chose (otherwise there is no question about it, nothing would be ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar

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