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-1 votes

Attack Action: Can you equip or unequip more than one weapon using the Extra Attack feature or free object interaction?

-----UPDATE/EDIT----- I believe the answer is no because of the way the Thrown weapon property is written (emphasis mine). If a weapon has the Thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ...
Dfvx990mq321pl's user avatar
9 votes

Can you move between an attack and the attack granted by Horde Breaker?

Yes Did you take an action that involves making more than one weapon attack? Yes. Horde breaker is a second (or subsequent) weapon attack that is part of the action used to make the first attack. That'...
Benjamin T Hall's user avatar
8 votes

Attack Action: Can you equip or unequip more than one weapon using the Extra Attack feature or free object interaction?

Yes to both The "Equipping and Unequipping Weapons" rule is clear, each attack, not the Attack action, but the actual attack itself, comes with a free equip or unequip. The general free ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
  • 13.1k
3 votes

Can you equip or unequip a weapon before or after a Bonus Action?

No The key part of the rules for the attack action you've quoted are the following (emphasis mine) : You can either equip or unequip one weapon when you make an attack as part of this action. The ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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8 votes

Can you equip or unequip a weapon before or after a Bonus Action?

No. From the Free Rules (2024) Glossary: A Bonus Action is a special action that you can take on the same turn that you take an action. ie, it is separate from the action you made the Attack Action ...
Adeptus's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

Could you blind someone as part of a nonlethal attack when reducing an Enemy's health to zero?

You can work with your DM and adapt the optional rules from the DMG for Injuries. The Dungeon Master Guide (pages 272-273) provides some guidelines for lingering injuries: Damage normally leaves no ...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 32.2k
1 vote

Does the Thrown Weapon Fighting Style apply to ranged, improvised attacks?

Maybe, Ask your DM There are two benefits of the feature You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged ...
Wyrmwood's user avatar
  • 10.5k
0 votes

Does the Thrown Weapon Fighting Style apply to ranged, improvised attacks?

No As written, "thrown weapon" is ambiguous, as OP and the other answers explain. However, we can see how it is used in the PHB, where it occurs all of three times. In conjure volley, the ...
Kirt's user avatar
  • 56.8k

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