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72 votes

Player character wants a gun in a prehistoric campaign. What to do?

You are the DM, you can say No, although "No, but ..." also works You are not required to change your world to accommodate a single player. What are the other players creating, as ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
65 votes

Can you run D&D 5e in a post-modern setting without magic?

You're trying to force a round peg into a square hole Could you play in a post-modern setting with D&D by just using non-caster classes, non-magical feats, and redefining some of the other classes'...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
54 votes

What tabletop setting (if any) is this 1980s map from?

That is a map of Middle-Earth showing the south and east along with the traditional map section from the novels. As noted in the listing for this Middle-earth map on, this map was ...
tbrookside's user avatar
48 votes

How can live fire exercises be made safer?

Use Faerie Fire as a surrogate for Fireball Advantages: Faerie Fire is non-lethal. Like Fireball, Faerie Fire uses a Dexterity saving throw. Targets who fail the save light up, making it easy to ...
Zimul8r's user avatar
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47 votes

Are there guidelines for punishments for crimes?

First, there are no lists of punishments in the rules. Second, the default D&D 5e setting is a fantasy medieval one, as such, imprisonment is an inappropriate punishment. Imprisonment as a ...
Dale M's user avatar
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47 votes

Does Forgotten Realms setting count as “High magic”?

The primary question here, to me, is, what exactly constitutes “high magic”? D&D itself supplies a definition—but I don’t think it’s a good one, it doesn’t capture, to me, what people mean when ...
KRyan's user avatar
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39 votes

A witcher and their apprentice…

Actually, the master don't have to be better at everything. For example he may have been targeted by a curse which makes him unable to use magic/less good at combat. Maybe despite all his years of ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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38 votes

Player character wants a gun in a prehistoric campaign. What to do?

There's nothing inherently "bad" or "unreasonable" about limiting your players' character creation. You as the DM have the responsibility to create and populate your world. It's ...
Alex's user avatar
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35 votes

I'm feeling like my character doesn't fit the campaign

Given that the DM seems to dislike the idea of a change of cast, you are not feeling like playing this character like you're playing it now and your friend seems uninterested in changing his ways to ...
Zachiel's user avatar
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34 votes

Does Forgotten Realms setting count as “High magic”?

The Forgotten Realms is not "high magic"; it represents D&D's standard level of magic (DMG p.9, p23). While magic is somewhat commonplace in the Forgotten Realms, this is really the ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
33 votes

Can you run D&D 5e in a post-modern setting without magic?

I've run D&D without magic. It technically works, but there's a lot missing. TLDR: The easy way is to cut all classes/subclasses/races/subraces that are too magical for your setting, and to fluff ...
BBeast's user avatar
  • 14.2k
32 votes

What would it take for a villain to get his domain transported to Ravenloft on purpose?

The Dark Lords are all about punishing people. They would be considered sadistic, if they demonstrated any pleasure in administering these punishments. It is the need for punishment that drives their ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
  • 49k
30 votes

How can live fire exercises be made safer?

Have the player research a non-lethal training fireball Real world militaries have spent considerable amounts of R&D resources developing training equipment to create exercises as faithful to real ...
Bearmarshal's user avatar
27 votes

Do paper books exist in the 5th ed. of D&D?

The traditional D&D Spellbook is far more costly than a simple codex-type book needs to be -- made that way to protect a wizard's most valuable resource. Vellum (a type of leather scraped thin, ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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26 votes

A witcher and their apprentice…

The assumption that the master is better in everything because he is the master is false. The master is better in the relevant aspects of his craft. There is no need to weaken him, simply make the ...
IanDrash's user avatar
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25 votes

I'm feeling like my character doesn't fit the campaign

The Real Problem: Your Character Has No Stake There is an open question about the game world (does magic exist?) which your PC and the other PC have staked out opposite sides of. The action of the ...
Novak's user avatar
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25 votes

How can live fire exercises be made safer?

I assume you're the DM. If not so, please disregard this answer. Give them access to a simple, homebrew magic item that turns their spells into harmless bombs of paint while the spellcaster is ...
T. Sar's user avatar
  • 16.3k
24 votes

Could an elf PC start adventuring at the age of 20?

This is a question that is probably more about the world your campaign is located. Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms (in numerous novels) indicate that elves at the age of 20 would appear to our ...
Ἄρτεμις's user avatar
24 votes

Is Matt Mercer's homebrew setting of Exandria now considered an official setting, as of the release of the "Explorer's Guide to Wildemount"?

The Amazon listing for the book1 lists the "Wizards RPG Team" as the Author, with Matt Mercer only as a Contributor. You can click the Wizards RPG Team to see their page and all the books ...
TylerH's user avatar
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22 votes

Does an Underdark exist in D&D worlds other than the Forgotten Realms?

Greyhawk: Descent into the Depths of the Earth The Underdark concept originated in Greyhawk with the in the AD&D adventure module Descent into the Depths of the Earth, published first as two ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
21 votes

I'm feeling like my character doesn't fit the campaign

Sometimes the game you are playing simply isn't the game you believed you signed up for. Happened to me few times, see first paragraph here for an example. You talked to the DM and to the fellow ...
Mołot's user avatar
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21 votes

Does an Underdark exist in D&D worlds other than the Forgotten Realms?

The Underdark originated in Greyhawk, not the Forgotten Realms The modules D1 and D2 which followed the original three Giants modules, came out in 1978 and were the introduction of the Underdark via ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
20 votes

What human ethnicities exist in other settings besides the Forgotten Realms?

Those ethnicities are specific to Faerûn; other settings have their own ethnicities. As you correctly surmise, the Player's Handbook clearly defines the nine major ethnic groups as specific to Faerûn,...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
19 votes

If Drow and Duergar are allowed as monsters in the D&D 5e SRD, are they allowed as subraces as well?

You may not reprint the official Drow and Duergar subrace options The monsters and the subraces are different mechanically, and those non-OGL subrace mechanics are exactly what you’re hoping to use. ...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar
19 votes

Can Blades in the Dark be played in a custom setting?

Blades in the Dark works with custom settings, as long as those settings match the assumptions of the system. The Doskvol setting is presented in the book to give groups a clear starting point, but ...
LizWeir's user avatar
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18 votes

Player character wants a gun in a prehistoric campaign. What to do?

Don't let him play that character in this game Your player has made a character they want to play and is used to being the only DM so they haven't got a chance to play it. That's pretty usual, but ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
18 votes

Moving between different D&D universes

Within the default D&D cosmology, Athas is not a different plane, but is in another crystal sphere in the prime material plane. You can have a look at the following answer for the nuances between ...
ZwiQ's user avatar
  • 22.3k
18 votes

How can I best set expectations for and run a campaign in a darker setting?

Bad places can have good guys, too Your title and your body are asking slightly different things. The title is about how to run a campaign in a darker setting. However, the body also talks about the ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
16 votes

Are there official rules for Vecna published for 5E?

This answer was correct until June 2022, when stats for Vecna pre-ascension were released on D&D Beyond. Not yet While D&D third and fourth edition provided statistics for Vecna, there aren't ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
15 votes

Is Forgotten Realms the default setting in 5e?

No. The default setting is the multiverse of all D&D worlds, which includes the Forgotten Realms. Jeremy Crawford, in 2015, states this in a tweet: Does the #dnd tabletop RPG have one official ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar

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