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2 votes

How long should a wooden construct burn (and continue to take damage) until it burns out (and stops doing damage)

"Vulnerable" already covers the RAW flammability of a golem. Even if we choose to treat their body components as objects rather than a creature, they are certainly both "wearing" ...
Jay McEh's user avatar
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-2 votes

How long should a wooden construct burn (and continue to take damage) until it burns out (and stops doing damage)

Note that this is not a rules question The OP is specifically asking for community opinions. Here are mine. There is no such thing as a burning condition. There are monster abilities and items that ...
Mathaddict's user avatar
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9 votes

How long should a wooden construct burn (and continue to take damage) until it burns out (and stops doing damage)

It shouldn't burn at all, it takes damage on hit Fire Bolt only ignites objects: A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried. Since a construct is a creature, not ...
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.5k
33 votes

How long should a wooden construct burn (and continue to take damage) until it burns out (and stops doing damage)

By the rules, it doesn't burn at all. The spell says it ignites objects but a Golem is a creature. If you want to take inspiration from other mechanics that set things on fire, look at Alchemist Fire. ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 82k

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