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141 votes

Why does dandwiki have a poor reputation?

There are really two problems: Zero quality control. Anyone can add anything they want, and since there is no vetting, the overwhelming majority of it is bad. This becomes a vicious circle where the ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 357k
98 votes

Backtracking from multiclassing with consequences

This is too harsh Your player is unhappy because her character is weaker than the other characters. You're trying to fix this by weakening her character further. Here is how I handle this When I run ...
Dan B's user avatar
  • 90.5k
88 votes

What are the dangers of renaming spells and changing their flavour, without changing mechanics at all?

You'll be fine As the DM, you retain full control over the whole game world, including what spells are available and what they do. All you have to do is be honest and upfront with what rules you're ...
Joel Harmon's user avatar
  • 16.1k
86 votes

How powerful would an always-on Truesight ability be for a PC?

That's a 20th level epic boon (so very powerful) The power of a permanent truesight effect would be situational. If you measure 'power' by raw combat ability, then unless you're fighting invisible ...
BBeast's user avatar
  • 14.1k
83 votes

How to balance “one” PC that is two weaker characters combined?

Just use a regular multiclass character treated narratively as two characters. I've tried the same thing you're describing (two characters in one) at my table before as a party-controlled NPC ...
Bloodcinder's user avatar
  • 30.3k
72 votes

Is it okay for the DM to create their own world, races, classes, and abilities?

The official texts encourage it. The official books, especially the DMG, explicitly encourage homebrewing. While the other answers give some nice perspectives, it's worth pointing out that it's ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
72 votes

Bounty Boards: How to make them fair and make sense

Don´t make it fair. No, really. If you balance everything to be fair and equal, you take away the entire challenge of figuring out which contract is most lucrative, or which is the easiest money, or ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 81.7k
71 votes

How would I stat a creature to be immune to everything but the Magic Missile spell? (just for fun)

Based on the wording used for the Rakshasa's Limited Magic Immunity and the Helmed Horror's Spell Immunity, it fits the template text of the rules to just write a feature that explicitly states the ...
Bloodcinder's user avatar
  • 30.3k
62 votes

Is this homebrew CR 12 monster too difficult an encounter for two level 4 characters?

Absent Extenuating Circumstances, Yes According to Kobold Fight Club, which gets its information from the DMG, a party of two level 4 characters would consider 250xp worth of monsters Easy, 500xp ...
Syric's user avatar
  • 831
60 votes

Is this homebrew CR 12 monster too difficult an encounter for two level 4 characters?

Try it yourself If you have a copy of their character sheets, run the encounter by yourself a few times playing both sides. You should get a decent idea about how outmatched the PCs might be.
Allan Mills's user avatar
  • 26.2k
58 votes

Trouble determining CR or difficulty for homebrew creatures

Regarding your disclaimer: I don't exactly know what you mean by "won't fit with the campaign", but one of a DM's strongest tools is the reskin. Take the stat block from a monster in one of ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
54 votes

How are spells made permanent in 5e?

Make it a Downtime Activity More on less on par with Crafting a Magic Item. This is how I approach permanency in the Eberron game that I run, and my players have been happy with it so far. The initial ...
guildsbounty's user avatar
  • 66.1k
54 votes

What is homebrew? Should I use it in normal games?

Homebrew is beer or other alcoholic beverages brewed at home as opposed to those brewed commercially and bought at a shop. By analogy, homebrew is any major addition to or omission from the official ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 214k
52 votes

Would it be unbalanced for Dex-based Fighters to choose proficiency in Dex saving throws instead of Str saving throws?

Yes, it would be unbalanced. Dex, Con, and Wis are the major saving throw types, of which each class has one. Str, Int, and Cha are minor saving throws, which don't come up as often. Str saving throws ...
bvstuart's user avatar
  • 1,542
50 votes

Why does dandwiki have a poor reputation?

It contains lots of homebrew. The site hosts pages and pages of homebrew races, classes, feats, spells, etc. Far, far more than the amount of official content on the site. Take a look at the list ...
A_S00's user avatar
  • 12.8k
49 votes

What are the ramifications of creating a homebrew world without an Astral Plane?

Only the following elements in the core rulebooks use the Astral Plane While it's impossible to list every possible Astral Plane interaction in D&D, the list of things in the three core rulebooks ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
46 votes

How do I prevent a homebrew Grappling Hook feature from trivializing Tomb of Annihilation?

Your player won't perfectly negate these threats Yes, your player's PC has an ability that could perfectly negate these traps. However, your player doesn't have perfect knowledge of these traps and ...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar
46 votes

How do I prevent a homebrew Grappling Hook feature from trivializing Tomb of Annihilation?

Tomb Dwarves. The hook trivializes many of the traps, yes. The party is not alone in the tomb. Withers can scry the party's movements, direct tomb dwarves and communicate with other legendary monsters,...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
46 votes

What is homebrew? Should I use it in normal games?

What is 'Homebrew'? Homebrew material is fan-made content designed to supplement first-party material. It is distinguished from house rules by being game content rather than game rules. For example, ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
46 votes

What are some monsters or spells that could trap NPCs for a long time without killing them?

Petrification monsters The Petrified condition states: A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone)...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
43 votes

Would the following curse be too detrimental, too beneficial, or just right for a combat-focused campaign?

This punishes player fun more than character mechanics Dependant on the AC of your enemies this curse is either a massive buff due to never missing, or a massive penalty due to never hitting. Either ...
linksassin's user avatar
  • 31.1k
41 votes

How unbalanced would a feat that allowed access to other spell lists be?

Far, far too powerful. Normally, the way to do this is to take a level in the other class, with all the trade-offs involved and only getting the low-level spells until more levels are taken. This ...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar
41 votes

How would I stat a creature to be immune to everything but the Magic Missile spell? (just for fun)

There's always going to be some clever exception if you try to phrase it negatively like that. This is D&D, not a limited computer program. If you want something fancier than "immune to ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 30k
41 votes

Why shouldn't one make changes to concentration in homebrew?

I wouldn't say that "all changes to concentration are inherently overpowered", but I would say that all changes to concentration are inherently suspect. You'll need to playtest the heck out ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
40 votes

How are spells made permanent in 5e?

Challenging the frame; 5e has an App for this Based on the question, the discussions in chat, and your reservations with what wish and some other tools can do, I recommend that you not try to ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
40 votes

How are spells made permanent in 5e?

This is how 3.5 broke We even had a term for it: CoDzilla The fundamental premise of such builds was that they were powerful because they could stack an insane number of magical buffs on top of each ...
godskook's user avatar
  • 7,194
40 votes

Create the most broken race that is 'balanced' according to Detect Balance

Offsetting Vulnerability and Resistance traits allows you to start with -236 points for almost no net effect. Rather than submit an actual build here, I will sketch the start of a build upon which you ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
39 votes

Can I stop this homebrewed Lucky Coin ability from being exploited?

Abuses of this will center on avoiding disadvantage on rolls that are important to the current situation. In particular, there's no time limit on this, so the player could just use it out of combat ...
user17995's user avatar
  • 5,173
39 votes

Is there anything that can bypass temporary hit points?

To my knowledge, no attack bypasses temporary hit points when dealing damage. However, some spells have effects based on the targets' hit points, and cannot be countered by having temporary hit points....
kviiri's user avatar
  • 54.1k
38 votes

Why shouldn't one make changes to concentration in homebrew?

It potentially affects every concentration spell... ...and how that interacts with every concentration spell, and how that interacts with every concentration spell, etc. There are currently 237 ...
Red Orca's user avatar
  • 19.2k

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