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47 votes

Can I replace my missing eye with a magic one?

Your best bet is the Ersatz Eye, a common magic item listed on page 137 of Xanathar's Guide to everything: Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) This artificial eye replaces a real one ...
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
42 votes

How to improve my descriptions of the health status of monsters

Health Status Generally I follow a health status report system (when asked how each creature looks) like this: 100% - Uninjured or in perfect condition >75% - Minor injuries, doesn't show any signs ...
Randomorph's user avatar
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36 votes

How can I recover a missing body part without using wish?

Use Regenerate, a 7th level spell. It is on the Bard, Cleric, and Druid spell lists. You can also use a Wish to duplicate this spell without needing to worry about it going badly (evil genie does not ...
Nick Brown's user avatar
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31 votes

Can you have a potion of Inflict Serious Wounds?

Yes; it damages the drinker. The rules on potions, from the SRD: It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute. Potions are like spells cast ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
30 votes

How can I replace a lost Horn?

The regenerate spell The most straightforward RAW way of getting missing bodyparts back is to have somebody cast regenerate on you. The target’s severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on),...
Theik's user avatar
  • 36.5k
29 votes

How to get a character's limb regrown at 3rd level?

The What As far as I know, there are 2 basic ways to regrow a limb: Regenerate, a 7th level Cleric/Bard/Druid spell Ring of Regeneration (DMG p 191) - note that in order to regrow a limb, the user ...
B. S. Morganstein's user avatar
29 votes

How do broken legs and arms work?

While there are no rules for simply broken arms or legs there are rules for losing an arm or leg. From the DMG on Lingering Injuries Lose a Foot or Leg. Your speed on foot is halved, and you must use ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
26 votes

Can I replace my missing eye with a magic one?

Magic items that let you see The classic official eye replacement is the Eye of Vecna, though it's an artifact, and a nasty one at that (DMG 224): To attune to the eye, you must gouge out your own ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
23 votes

If a druid has no legs, does their wild shape form have no legs too?

Your wild shape forms will have legs (if it is supposed to) Wild shape allows you to take the form of an animal. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
  • 95.3k
22 votes

Can a lingering injury that requires "magical healing of 6th level or higher" be healed by an upcast lower-level spell?

Upcast spells (cast with a 6th level slot) count as 6th level spells, but it's unclear whether this would apply to the Horrible Scar rule In the PHB, p. 201, under Spell Slots: Casting a Spell at a ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 79.7k
21 votes

Is trading +1 AC for -9 Max HP a good deal for a level 7 fighter?

Yes, it's a very good trade-off. Every level-up, you will gain additional hitpoints. However, +1 AC is hard to get once you maxed out your armour options (which you most likely already have at level ...
Mala's user avatar
  • 12.6k
18 votes

Can Mending be used to reattach severed body parts?

RAW yes, RAI probably not. RAW: Let's analyze Mending's description: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn ...
PixelMaster's user avatar
  • 26.3k
18 votes

Would a flying character fall prone after dashing if they had lost a leg?

The rules simply didn't take the flying case into account. You'll notice there is no reference in any of the entries in the table to losing a wing instead of an arm. I think it was simply written ...
Steve's user avatar
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17 votes

How to improve my descriptions of the health status of monsters

Creatures are not injured while they have at least one HP The question is about description of injured enemies, but when we're talking about HP loss, there are no significant injuries yet. There are ...
enkryptor's user avatar
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17 votes

Does the stress damage from Wish reduce temporary hit points?

The damage is no different from any other damage It’s just damage so it works the same as being hit with a sword - temporary hp first.
Dale M's user avatar
  • 214k
16 votes

What issues may arise if the Lingering Injuries rule still apply to creatures that are killed outright?

1. RAW clarification: Doubly optional. While the whole Lingering Injuries section describes an optional rule, the list of situations which inflict them is also just a suggestion (emphasis mine): It's ...
Szega's user avatar
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16 votes

How to get a character's limb regrown at 3rd level?

I'm still not convinced that my answer here doesn't duplicate this question, but I digress. There are no "limb regrowth" options readily available at level 3 Your options, as I see them: ...
goodguy5's user avatar
  • 21.3k
15 votes

Is trading +1 AC for -9 Max HP a good deal for a level 7 fighter?

Here's how to figure this out. First, let's think about monster attack bonuses at your level. I looked at three example CR7 monsters. The giant ape has +9 to hit. The oni has +7 to hit. The ...
Dan B's user avatar
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15 votes

Do petrified characters lose their broken-off pieces when de-petrified?

Yes, any part of the body broken off while stoned is still lost when restored The Flesh to Stone spell states: If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from similar ...
GreySage's user avatar
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15 votes

Are there any rules for neck stabs/bleeding out?

There's a few points here. First off, even on a critical hit, it's up to DM fiat as to whether the NPC just dies outright, or takes HP damage, or whatever. If this is an important, named NPC, you ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
15 votes

Does the stress damage from Wish reduce temporary hit points?

Temporary hp do not reduce or prevent wish damage, they absorb it The damage is necrotic damage that is different from normal damage in that it cannot be reduced or prevented. Reducing according to ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
14 votes

How do broken legs and arms work?

However things got a little complicated after that.... You're right, this is a little complicated. The tl;dr is "there's no hard-and-fast rule for this, but here are some guidelines from the ...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
14 votes

Is a Superficial wound actually worse than a Light wound?

I think you are correct about the math, and the rules. Add one more rule to the list, however: You can't roll a skill (or use it for help/forks) if it's reduced to 0D by penalties. If a stat is ...
Alex P's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I recover a missing body part without using wish?

Pay a spellcaster for their services. I can think of a few spells that would work, but some of it gets a bit weird. As far as I know, none of them require the missing body part. Clone - 8th level ...
goodguy5's user avatar
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11 votes

How to improve my descriptions of the health status of monsters

Regardless the perfectly correct rules-as-written answer given here, I find that approach highly unsatisfactory and uninspiring in the course of actual play; I am more likely to apply that line of ...
Novak's user avatar
  • 45.4k
11 votes

Once a Character exceeds Wound Threshold, do they gain a new Critical Injury each time they take damage?

From the Developer Answered Questions thread on the FFG Forums (found inside the General Combat Question collapse): Rules as written a character would not suffer a second Critical Injury if the ...
OneCritWonder's user avatar
11 votes

Are these homebrew injury healing spells of the appropriate level and cost?

As others have mentioned, there is a problem with using spells I forget where I read it, but early on in my DnD playing there was an article about changing rules. The argument went something like this:...
MivaScott's user avatar
  • 41.2k
10 votes

Is there a precedent for wounds that can't be healed?

A missing wing is not easily replaced at lower levels. You’re right, magic can fix anything, but at lower levels limbs are not so easily regrown. To regrow a limb you’d need access to the Regenerate ...
Tiggerous's user avatar
  • 25.2k

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