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7 votes

What characteristics (class, feats, abilities, etc) of a character interact with magic items?

In order to make this answer manageable, I am limiting its scope to character traits or features that make a magic item function differently than it otherwise might. That means I am excluding from ...
screamline's user avatar
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8 votes

What would the appropriate cost be for a magical set of full plate with a Cast On and Cast Off property?

Price premium should be meaningfully more than 200 GP, significantly less than 800 GP Mithral Armor is a good proxy for the utility of this armor, and Sane Magic Items values it at an 800 GP premium ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
  • 13.1k
6 votes

Do Cat Fall and Gliding Membranes work together?

Yes The rules which prevent modifiers of the same type from applying cumulatively don't apply here, as: Treating falls as some feet shorter isn't a bonus or penalty Even if they were considered ...
brandon's user avatar
  • 15.6k
9 votes

Are Experimental Elixirs Magic Items?

Experimental elixirs are magical Experimental elixirs can be created using spell slots: You can create additional experimental elixirs by expending a spell slot of 1st level or higher for each one. ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
2 votes

Are Experimental Elixirs Magic Items?

It doesn't matter Experimental Elixir requires an action: As an action, a creature can drink the elixir Which means Fast Hands isn't applicable according to DMG p. 141 "Activating an Item":...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.6k
2 votes

Are Experimental Elixirs Magic Items?

They're probably magical, but you probably can't use them with Use an Object either way. Unfortunately, it isn't quite as explicit as I would like, things are generally only magical if the game ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
1 vote

Is this homebrew magic item balanced for level 3, and is it worded in the same way a published magic item would be?

Fairly balanced, or even a little underpowered Breakdown of properties Infinite arrows for the user Personally I've never been in a table that tracks arrows/ammunition (unless magic). Mayyybe this ...
falsedot's user avatar
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1 vote

Is this homebrew magic item balanced for level 3, and is it worded in the same way a published magic item would be?

This seems balanced, but the actual rules text need some work. The first thing I noticed was this: "this artifact can only be destroyed by a disintegrate spell, or an effect of similar nature&...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
2 votes

Is this homebrew magic item balanced for level 3, and is it worded in the same way a published magic item would be?

This item seems balanced for a level 3 PC In short, this item allows you to have infinite ammo and deal +1 damage. There are other game features that allow very similar effects, which are attainable ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 79.7k

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