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84 votes

What are the major changes between Pathfinder first and second editions?

General Stat Generation: Pathfinder Second Edition (PF2e) has moved away from the methods of the past wherein you generated stats using a point buy or rolled them. Instead you receive various ability ...
willuwontu's user avatar
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75 votes

As a DM, how can I address players' frustration with in-game decision-making?

It seems like your definition of an "optimal" solution is very different from your players' definition, and that's creating issues. Other answers have focused on how you might have given ...
Tack's user avatar
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56 votes

Can I keep playing a character who annoys other PCs?

Evidently Not One of the cardinal, if often unspoken, laws of gaming is that if you can't get people to play with you, then you can't play. If you can't get people to play with you whenever you bring ...
Novak's user avatar
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49 votes

Can I keep playing a character who annoys other PCs?

The character is probably done. You have a large, collaborative, decentralized group. No one feels, or has felt, empowered to confront you over this—they have, no doubt, felt that it isn’t their place ...
KRyan's user avatar
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44 votes

Does Dangerous Sorcery apply to cantrips?

The very first line for the rules for Cantrips in the Sorcerer class says A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn’t use spell slots. Seems pretty cut and dried - Cantrips don't use spell ...
YogoZuno's user avatar
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44 votes

As a DM, how can I address players' frustration with in-game decision-making?

Prepare tools, not plots, and have your tools interact with PCs. One issue I see is that you're preparing an optimal course of action, rather than an optimal weakness an enemy has. I've often found ...
Nepene Nep's user avatar
  • 19.2k
36 votes

What are the major changes between Pathfinder first and second editions?

There are lots of changes, mostly major changes. I can only think about certain spells when thinking about "things that didn't change much", and even those have basic system changes behind them. I ...
ShadowKras's user avatar
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36 votes

Player conflict - not sure if I’m taking it too personally

Maybe you're asking the wrong question We play games to have fun. What you're describing — tilt, doubt and rumination — is not fun. You play Pathfinder for bright characters and epic adventures, not ...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.8k
34 votes

What is the impact of moving a fallen PC in the initiative order?

This rule helps avoid Healing ping-pong! I find it helpful to consider the inverse -- what might happen when the initiative order doesn't change. (Sadly, I mention this from personal experience ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
32 votes

What are the major differences in style and system between D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e?

D&D 5e has been optimized to make it simple to learn and play, which is what you are reacting to. Its design reflects the fracturing of the D&D fanbase after 4e, and to a certain extent ...
KRyan's user avatar
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31 votes

Running a non-English game

Tell the story in Cantonese but use the technical terms in their English version I have lived and worked in an English-speaking country for some time now but English isn’t my native language. I was in ...
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.5k
31 votes

What is the point of Feinting from a distance?

Better Planning The primary advantage is that you figure out how well the Feint works before moving up, allowing you to change tactics based on that result. If you critically fail the Feint, it's ...
brandon's user avatar
  • 16k
29 votes

How can I build a mechanically interesting, winnable exhibition match against a vastly overpowered opponent?

Stop Trying To Hit Me And HIT Me In this scene in the classic sci-fi film the matrix, Morpheus takes Neo into a virtual training dojo to try to teach him. He does so by the classic 'master sparring ...
user2754's user avatar
  • 30.6k
28 votes

Is there anything preventing a wizard from using a staff of healing?

To cast a spell from a staff, it has to be on your spell list The rules for Casting a spell from a staff spell out the requirements to cast from a staff. The relevant part of these requirements: You ...
Patta's user avatar
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27 votes

Can you have more than 1 panache point at a time?

There are no "points", you either have Panache or you don't. The rules for Panache (relevant part quoted below from Archives of Nethys) only state that "you are either in a state of ...
Patta's user avatar
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26 votes

How do I respond to a player's criticism that the breadth of feats available in Pathfinder 2e is by its nature restrictive?

It's always been this way And it sort of needs to be; otherwise there is no point in character abilities! In 5e, if my Paladin wanted to "hit someone in the legs to trip them" with his ...
ESCE's user avatar
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25 votes

Does Pathfinder 2e have more in common with D&D 5e than it does with Pathfinder 1e?

Pathfinder 2e is still more like Pathfinder 1e than D&D 5e The second edition of the Pathfinder rules does not draw very much at all from D&D 5th edition. If anything, there are a handful of ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
25 votes

Can I keep playing a character who annoys other PCs?

You need to get rid of the character some way or the other Nothing will help. Your character, as it is right now, is irredeemably gone. You can't fix her in-game because nobody wants to play with the ...
Hobbamok's user avatar
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25 votes

As a Magus, does Spellstrike take 3 actions?

Answer The Spellstrike activity allows you to Cast a Spell and Strike spending only the two actions required by Spellstrike. Sources The Core Rulebook states the following on page 461 under Actions -&...
Dylfaen's user avatar
  • 351
25 votes

Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster?

Spell slots make the spellcaster. Chapter 7: Spells implies throughout that being a spellcaster is closely related to a character's class, but gets to the point in the paragraph about Non-Spellcasters ...
Ruse's user avatar
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25 votes

What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier?

Thrower's Bandolier can be etched with Runes Your most-recently drawn weapon from the Bandolier has the runes etched into the Bandolier. This means that you can put Returning (and whatever other Runes ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
24 votes

How can I end a stance?

This appears to be a gap in the rules and has not been covered by an FAQ. Paizo has not appeared to weigh in on the matter. Most of the people posting on the Rules Discussion boards of the Paizo ...
Kommissar's user avatar
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24 votes

What is the lowest-level character that can unfailingly beat the Beginner Box starting encounter?

A 5th Level Swashbuckler I originally posited a 9th level Swashbuckler to gain access to the Fly spell to stay out of range without leaving the room. After some iteration, I was able to get it down to ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
23 votes

Is Armor Class a difficulty class (DC)?

Armor Class is also a Difficulty Class Armor Class is referenced in multiple locations as a DC. Most notably, in the rules in Equipment about AC: Your Armor Class (AC) measures how well you can ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
23 votes

Does Assurance literally forgo a roll and thus prevent effects that require a roll?

Forgo isn't the best word choice, Assurance works as rolling The clear intent of Assurance is that you no longer have to actually roll a die, but the results should be adjudicated as though you had. ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
23 votes

How can I build a mechanically interesting, winnable exhibition match against a vastly overpowered opponent?

Run it not as a combat, but via a Victory Point Subsystem (from the GMG) If you want to run it like a combat, then @user2754's answer is probably the only way to make it work. So don't run it like a ...
ESCE's user avatar
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22 votes

As a DM, how can I address players' frustration with in-game decision-making?

Free yourself from preplanned plot lines First of, it is great that you are listening to your players, and it is great that you have players who trust you and address these issues with you. It also is ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
22 votes

Will uneven speed be rounded up or down?

Always round down (unless told not to); half your speed is 10 The General Rules state: Rounding You may need to calculate a fraction of a value, like halving damage. Always round down unless ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
  • 76.8k
22 votes

What is the point of Feinting from a distance?

Mobile Finisher Fencer Swashbucklers are the main users of Feint in my experience, and on level 12 they can take the feat Mobile Finisher. It lets you Stride and Strike in one action, but Feint does ...
SpearCarrier.no2's user avatar
21 votes

Is there enough disparity between the classes to put them into tiers?

I’m going to answer this the same way I answered a similar question about Starfinder: we just don’t know yet. Pathfinder 2e is a far larger change from Pathfinder 1e than Pathfinder 1e was from D&...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 361k

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