Can you hold Plane Shift on an unwilling creature until they touch you to skip the melee spell attack?
The fact that Plane Shift requires a saving throw from the target is irrelevant here, as it is an additional drawback specific to this spell. You could Ready any melee spell attack in a similar ...
5e Combat economy and darkness
This works
The trigger of your Readied Action finishes before the action, so Bobby will get of his shot
When the trigger occurs, you can either take your reaction right after the trigger finishes or ...
Readied action with more than one trigger
This won't work
Rules as written there is one "circumstance" and one "trigger":
First, you decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the ...
What happens if a Storm Sorcerer is knocked unconscious before casting the spell from Tempestuous Magic?
The sorcerer falls unconscious, without casting the spell and without spending the slot.
The feature says that the sorcerer can fly up 10 feet before casting the spell: this means that the casting has ...
Can you hold Plane Shift on an unwilling creature until they touch you to skip the melee spell attack?
The attack is mandatory
The spell is worded very precisely in order of operations:
Choose a creature within range.
Roll a melee spell attack.
On Hit: roll a charisma save.
On Fail: banish to another ...
Is it possible to cast a bonus action spell and then use the Ready action to activate a magic item and cast another spell off-turn with your reaction?
Yes, in most cases
You have an action and a bonus action on each of your turns. You can use the bonus action to cast a spell. That normally means you cannot cast another full spell that turn, only ...
Can you hold Plane Shift on an unwilling creature until they touch you to skip the melee spell attack?
Mechanically, Plane Shift isn't a mere touch
You have to hit the target's AC. 24 constitution Barbarian with 8 dex has 16 AC, and next to none of it is because they are good at dodging.
Just like a ...
5e Combat economy and darkness
This is a loophole in the rules
Whether this works, depends on what is acceptable at your table. Many DMs explicitly forbid exploiting technical loopholes, regardless of the fact it should work rules ...
Can I ready actions to evade an opponent?
No, but no need
In a combat round a character can take:
a full-round action; or
a standard action and a move action; or
two move actions (since a character can always take a move action in place of a ...
5e Combat economy and darkness
This sounds like Help with extra steps (almost)
It's true that this feels a little cheesy and relying too much on RAW - possibly bending a little the idea that characters act simultaneously (and ...
Time stop and ready action
RAW is ambiguous, your DM must resolve this
The Readying an Action rule says:
Readying an Action
You can ready a standard action, a move action, or a free action. To do so, specify the action you ...
What happens if a Storm Sorcerer is knocked unconscious before casting the spell from Tempestuous Magic?
You can't cast spells while unconscious.
If a readied action knocks you out, it doesn't matter what else you planned to do.
An unconscious creature is incapacitated (see the condition), ...
Can you hold Plane Shift on an unwilling creature until they touch you to skip the melee spell attack?
As others have said.
No it would not let them bypass a melee spell attack.
Because that's part of the spell.
Holding their action would require the caster to concentrate on the spell and to have it ...
Readied action with more than one trigger
You can't, but you don't really need to here
There are a couple problems with your example trigger:
Example: "I ready a casting of magic missile to fire on the goblin hidden behind the wall when ...
What happens if a Storm Sorcerer is knocked unconscious before casting the spell from Tempestuous Magic?
Simultaneous events require a DM decision
'Anytime After', 'Right After', and 'Immediately After'
Sometimes a feature triggers an event that comes after it, but may occur any time later during the ...
Can you ready a bonus action?
You cannot Ready a bonus action.
As noted in the question, the rules of Bonus Actions state (emphases mine):
Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an additional action on ...
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