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105 votes

Is a pregnant creature considered a single entity for spells such as Banishment?

This kind of situation is up to the DM. D&D 5E isn't designed to handle these sort of situations. The system doesn't have any built-in mechanics for pregnancy, or whether pregnant creatures can ...
MikeQ's user avatar
  • 31.6k
105 votes

Is it possible for a swallowed caster to cast Fireball outside of a Giant Toad?

You can't fire a fireball through a toad's mouth The rules don't technically define 'swallowed', but in plain English, swallowed things are concealed by the relevant anatomy. Therefore, if a creature ...
David Coffron's user avatar
88 votes

Can you prevent players using cantrips to tell whether a creature is disguised as an object?

Don't use the rule in the first place. If you are not running adventures league you have great leeway to adapt the rules. Object vs. creature vs. illusion and whatever else is one of the rules ripe ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
  • 30.3k
80 votes

Is a pregnant creature considered a single entity for spells such as Banishment?

Let's set pregnancy aside for a moment and consider some other aspects of this issue. If you have harmful microbes in your body, does this spell leave them behind? If so, then it's effectively a ...
G_B's user avatar
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68 votes

Is there no way to have a single casting of the Feather Fall spell affect a whole group of people who decide to jump off a cliff during combat?

If your whole party jumps off a cliff combat has ended There is the unlikely scenario where the enemy jump after them, but as soon as the party declare their intention to jump off a cliff and feather ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
  • 30.3k
65 votes

Can I cast the Light cantrip on an 11-foot pole?

No, you can't cast light on it. If the spell intended to say "an object that fits within a 10-foot cube", it would say that, or something like it. The phrase "no larger than 10 feet in ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
63 votes

Does the Scrying spell require you to have a clear path to the target in order to work?

The range of Scrying is "self", so the caster targets him/herself first The spellcasting rules says that the target must be withing range: The target of a spell must be within the spell's range ...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.8k
58 votes

Can Ogre clerics use Purify Food and Drink on humanoid characters?

'Rules as written' it's pretty tenuous, 'rules as intended' it's definitely out. Allowing this could easily break your game. Before I get into the details, consider the general principle that there ...
Tiggerous's user avatar
  • 25.2k
57 votes

Do you have to see the person, the armor, or the metal when casting heat metal?

Rules-as-written, you must be able to see the target of heat metal. Heat metal says: Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
56 votes

Is there no way to have a single casting of the Feather Fall spell affect a whole group of people who decide to jump off a cliff during combat?

I ready my movement until Sorcerer's turn to walk off the cliff. You are correct to observe that feather fall can be tricky to coordinate during the heat of battle, and that without proper ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
55 votes

Can a conga line of creatures cursed by the same Shield of Missile Attraction transport ammunition instantaneously across the globe?

Note: I changed the answer to include the first cursed target. Mea culpa if this makes this answer less appealing. No, the arrow targets either the first or the second peasant in line. The ranged ...
Chemus's user avatar
  • 12.2k
53 votes

Can a character cast Bless on themselves?

Yes, the caster can include themselves in most spells that target creatures. From the PHB's Spellcasting chapter, the section on Targets (page 204): Targeting Yourself If a spell targets a creature ...
Miniman's user avatar
  • 145k
52 votes

Can I only target other creatures, not myself, when casting spells such as Invisibility that target "a creature you touch"?

Yes, you can touch yourself. The PHB clarifies this under page 201: Targeting Yourself If a spell targets a creature of your choice, you can choose yourself, unless the creature must be ...
daze413's user avatar
  • 28.7k
52 votes

Is a pregnant creature considered a single entity for spells such as Banishment?

The pregnant creature and its unborn progeny remain together because as DMs, we strive to keep our games Humane There are a number of questions that we would be forced to ask and resolve if we ...
Xirema's user avatar
  • 53.1k
50 votes

Who is targeted when Scrying's target is ambiguous?

It is up to the DM. The ultimate answer here is "it's up to you," but let's explore it a bit since this could go a number of ways. The description for Scrying includes (emphasis mine): You ...
Lauren Moylan's user avatar
49 votes

Can Polymorph end spells that require the target to be humanoid?

RaW, unclear. Unofficial Crawford rulings, the spell is suppressed. There have been conflicting answers about the topic on Twitter. On one hand, you have Mearls saying the spell would stick: Nope, ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
49 votes

When a spell asks for targets, can I choose the same target multiple times?

Only if the spell says so There are spells that can direct multiple attacks against the same target, but they use different language. Instead of saying to choose a number of targets, such a spell ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
48 votes

Are undead and creatures immune to charm excluded from the HP count of Sleep?

Looking at those two fragments: Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected(...) A creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that ...
Mark's user avatar
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48 votes

Is there a rule that enables Sending to ignore the spell targeting rules regarding Total Cover?

For my money, you have a good point—they should have explicitly said something about cover To be clear, this is purely a matter of technicality. Under no circumstances should anyone rule that sending ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 361k
46 votes

What happens if you cast Counterspell on a creature that is not casting a spell?

Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p. 86) addresses this issue in the section "Invalid Spell Targets": If you cast a spell on someone or something that can’t be affected by the spell, nothing ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.9k
46 votes

Can a Fireball be cast at the air to bypass cover?

Yes, you can do this Well, first of all, the fireball spell description states: The fire spreads around corners. Rules designer Jeremy Crawford has unofficially clarified on Twitter what this means: ...
V2Blast's user avatar
  • 50.3k
46 votes

Is there a standard way to handle spells that have willing creatures as targets but no ruling for unwilling ones?

Spells only do what they say they do A spell's description lists everything that the spell does. The spellcasting section on targets reads: A typical spell requires you to pick one or more targets to ...
smbailey's user avatar
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41 votes

Can I cast Slow on an invisible target?

The Sorcerer can discriminate between invisible targets provided that they know the invisible targets are there Once you are aware of an invisible creature, provided they are not hidden, you know ...
illustro's user avatar
  • 28.5k
41 votes

Who controls a summoned steed’s familiar?

This does not work. The spell Find Steed allows you to cast a spell and have it also affect your steed. While mounted on your steed, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
40 votes

Does a character have line of sight on enemies directly behind them?

The rules assume that facing direction doesn't matter. Therefore they routinely use "creature you can see" to mean "creature you could see, if you were to look in that direction". For example, ...
Mark Wells's user avatar
  • 22.4k
39 votes

Can spells be cast through a Wall of Force?

A wall of force blocks magic by granting total cover. Although this is an old question, I discovered a relevant ruling while researching another question, and would like to add it here for ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
39 votes

What happens if a part of the ocean is zapped by the Witch Bolt spell?

Just as in the 3.5e version of this question, in 5e we have the situation where being in water has no special effect on electricity spells. Why not? Because being in water only affects natural ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 361k
38 votes

Can I cast Darkness in my mouth so I can turn it on/off each round without having to use an action?

This Would Not Work ...but not because of the way the Darkness spell works. This wouldn't work because of an issue with the way combat happens. Combat is taken in turns, but it doesn't actually ...
Warley's user avatar
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38 votes

Is "all targets must be within an X-unit diameter (circle)" equivalent to "all targets must be within X-units of each other"?

No, "all targets within 30 feet of each other" is a more flexible criterion We can show that the two criteria are not equivalent with a simple counterexample: suppose 3 targets are each 30 feet away ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
37 votes

Would Spawn of Kyuss worms infesting a Paladin die?

(these answers, IMO, also apply to the Monk's Purity of Body) RAW: Paladins are probably susceptible to Kyuss Worms Because of… Reasons. 5th edition did away with a lot of verbose text present in ...
goodguy5's user avatar
  • 21.4k

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