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31 votes

Running a non-English game

Tell the story in Cantonese but use the technical terms in their English version I have lived and worked in an English-speaking country for some time now but English isn’t my native language. I was in ...
AnnaAG's user avatar
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15 votes

What's the official German translation for Revel's End?

Schlussmitlustig The German Translation for Revel's End is "Schlussmitlustig". I found it looking through German review videos of Keys of the Golden Vault, it can be see on top of the map ...
TreeSpawned's user avatar
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Is the Wall of Stone Spell mistranslated from English to German?

The German version contradicts itself as it states: ...eine Fläche von bis zu 1 Würfel... Fläche describes something with 2 dimensions while Würfel describes something with 3 dimensions. Just ...
Umbranus's user avatar
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13 votes

Can a translation of a text declared as OGC be declared as Product Identity?

I am not a laywer, but I believe the Open Game License specifies that translations of Open Game Content must also be Open Game Content: "Open Game Content" means [...], and means any work ...
KRyan's user avatar
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10 votes

SRD summary translation legal?

Yes As long as you satisfy the requirements of the license, the OGL specifically grants permission to translate open game content. From section 1, definitions part "g": "Use", &...
Seamus's user avatar
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9 votes

Do the original English rule books have the same contents per page number as the French-translated ones?

The PHB has everything at the same page, except for sorted stuff I grabbed my French and my English PHBs and compared : every chapter starts at the same page, every rule is at the same page, every ...
Pierre Cathé's user avatar
8 votes

Do the original English rule books have the same contents per page number as the French-translated ones?

I did some research and I found what appears to be a preview of a French version of the PHB translated by Black Book Editions. It contains a few images of book pages. Studying those, I found that ...
Revolver_Ocelot's user avatar
7 votes

Can a translation of a text declared as OGC be declared as Product Identity?

You don't gain the needed rights to declare something as Product identity by merely translating When translating something, you become the author of a derivate of a work, but not the sole author. As ...
Trish's user avatar
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6 votes

Is the spellblade weapon property permanent?

What that book says This reader totally agrees that when the description of the magic weapon special ability spellblade (Player's Guide to Faerûn (Mar. 2004) 141) (6,000 gp; 0 lbs.) says, "When ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
4 votes

Is the spellblade weapon property permanent?

Firstly, we have to completely dismiss the Italian translation; unfortunately, the translations were not created with very much care, and it seems very unlikely that there was much discussion of this ...
KRyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Has Dungeons & Dragons ever been officially translated into Hungarian?

As a supplement to the answers about 3rd edition: As of 2022, there apparently had been plans to publish a Hungarian version of D&D 5th edition, as indicated in this post on Reddit. According to ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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