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69 votes

How can I limit my players' options in character creation when the reason why is a spoiler?

My vote is for the broad-strokes banhammer. In short, don't make a big deal of it and people mostly won't notice. Just because something exists in the world does not mean it should be an option for ...
Joel Harmon's user avatar
  • 16.1k
31 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

Vampire Elders are more powerful than the most powerful Werewolves. While PC werewolves are much more powerful than PC vampires, the upper end of their power scales are very different - even before ...
nick012000's user avatar
  • 14.1k
30 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

The werewolves are likely to win almost every battle, but the vampires would likely win any full scale war. Overall they aren't likely to care too much about each other. The vampires have every ...
TimothyAWiseman's user avatar
26 votes

How do I handle a character bent on diablerie of an Antediluvian?

Why do you have to "handle" this? The player has agency. You can give him information that says that facing an antediluvian is a bad idea. You can telegraph all kinds of ways that should the ...
gomad's user avatar
  • 33.4k
25 votes

Why do the antediluvians want to consume their spawn?

Because they can't eat anything else. A vampire's (effective) generation has a significant effect on their power level in a variety of ways. This includes the maximum amount of vitae they can hold, ...
Oblivious Sage's user avatar
  • 55.3k
22 votes

What happens if a character's declared action becomes impossible?

The action is wasted, at least as it was intended The major basis for that statement is that combat rounds in V:tM are three-second slices of time with simultaneous actions. The initiative order is ...
Upper_Case's user avatar
  • 21.9k
21 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

Numbers, for one thing. There's about a tenth as many werewolves as there are vampires, and those are divided among thirteen tribes. (One estimate sets the number of Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
19 votes

How do I handle a character bent on diablerie of an Antediluvian?

You don't. You do want to wake Ravnos? Welcome to the end times! If the player wakes Ravnos, then the following happens canonically, and I strongly suggest you grab the books Gehenna, and maybe ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.6k
19 votes

What are the main changes from Vampire: the Masquerade V20 to V5?

The main system changes Vitae is no longer tracked through a blood pool. Instead, up to five dice in every test pool are replaced with contrasting-color "hunger dice"; the more of these ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
19 votes

Would a nuclear weapon be morbidly efficient against an Antediluvian?

If you've got a risen Antediluvian in your game, what you've got is a Gehenna chronicle, one where the end of the world of vampires is nigh. Time of Judgment: Gehenna has some things to say about the ...
Jadasc's user avatar
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18 votes

How to make in-game planning more fruitful and fun?

There are entire games designed to address "the planning problem" you have encountered. Several of them have a solution in common, and that's what I'm going to present to you now: Flashbacks This is ...
gomad's user avatar
  • 33.4k
18 votes

Would UV Rounds and Silver Nitrate Rounds be effective on vampires/werewolves?

In the classic WoD, both of these is most certainly a NO: The quick talk: Werewolf made clear that only pure, metalic silver does aggravated damage. Silver Alloys? Nope. Silver salts? No. And then ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.6k
18 votes

What does having a Humanity rating of 7 mean for a 150 Year old Vampire?

A Humanity rating of 7 is standard for a starting character, so it's not special in any particular way. As a 150-year-old vampire, it means you've passed a century and a half and either maintained or ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
17 votes

Can you raise a discipline to 5 at character creation?

Each character starts with 3 dots worth of Disciplines, so if you put all three into the same dot, and then spend 14 of your 15 Freebie points on the same Discipline, you could very well do so. There ...
Reibello's user avatar
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17 votes

Does a Prince in Vampire: The Masquerade approve their own childer?

Yes. The third and fourth traditions are absolutely bent in favor of Princes. That's the way that the founders of the Camarilla wrote them. It is certainly good practice to foster your childer before ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
17 votes

Why does Vampire: The Masquerade have clans that are made or supposed to be unplayable?

I can't speak to ST decisions, as every ST is allowed to determine for themselves what would and wouldn't work for their own game. That's entirely their prerogative. STs aside, given Vampire's 20th ...
Ian's user avatar
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16 votes

Is it possible to make a character who's a mixture of character types from the differnet World of Darkness games?

There are several crossovers, but note... As it is, yes, there are ways to mix "templates", but these are very restricted. (Please note that I am mostly interred in the 20th Anniversary editions) ...
David_Kane's user avatar
16 votes

How do I avoid letting my players keep too many ghouls?

There is a built in limit to how many ghouls a vampire can have - their blood. Ghouls require upkeep in the form of blood, at least once a month and any time the ghoul needs to heal (if the vampire ...
Tritium21's user avatar
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16 votes

When to indulge in murder?

So first of all, caveat: I've played and STed World of Darkness, and this is how I would run it at my table. But the books aren't clear on this point, and another ST might run this differently. So ...
Draconis's user avatar
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16 votes

Would a vampire "Kingpin" be tolerated by the Camarilla?

What you're describing is the state of being autarkis, which is something the Camarilla has a word for at least. An autark is a vampire who's powerful enough to be a political force by themselves — ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
16 votes

If a vampire drinks blood of a sick human, does the vampire get infected?

HIV and other bloodborne contagions are known to be transmitted by vampires since 1st Edition. It simply makes a Vampire HIV positive. He won't ever show all the usual symptoms of AIDS, but he will ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.6k
16 votes

Is there any mechanical reason a VtM vampire can't just eat animals?

Animal blood is less "nutritious." In all versions of Vampire: the Masquerade, animal blood is less potent. In Vampire 5e, it offers no value to a vampire of Blood Potency 3 or higher (so, not a ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
16 votes

I heard of a famous Lasombra build, and I wonder how does one make it work?

It works mostly as described, though it requires substantial investment, is relatively risky, and is not necessarily as devastating as that thread suggests This is a good build for combat, though it ...
Upper_Case's user avatar
  • 21.9k
15 votes

How can I limit my players' options in character creation when the reason why is a spoiler?

Particularly in a game where there are lots of possible character creation options, or where the chance of someone picking the undesired option is low. You can tell people to bounce their character ...
Scott's user avatar
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15 votes

What is the point of increasing the Strength attribute?

The main answer to your question is "when you want to play a character who is more naturally strong than naturally dexterous." But you're looking for an optimization strategy, so that's not a complete ...
Polisurgist's user avatar
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15 votes

What happens to clan, disciplines, blood and curse after losing the struggle after diablerie?

The best canonical example is that of Montgomery "Monty" Coven, who committed diablerie on Mithras, the prince of London, and was lost in the process. You can find his story in Children of the Night. ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
15 votes

What are the main differences between Vampire: The Requiem, Vampire 20th Anniversary, and Vampire 5th Edition?

I think your question can mostly be reduced to… 1. How do their basic mechanics and resolution systems compare? All three games are fairly "traditional" — they're built around task-focused ...
Alex P's user avatar
  • 29.3k
15 votes

The costs of Obfuscation

No. Doesn't look like you've missed anything. Obfuscate doesn't cost much as far as blood goes. Its two weaknesses are that it doesn't (ordinarily) shield you from technological measures like cameras ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k
15 votes

Do demons show up in auspex and how?

Demons are called Fallen in the table in question. Their auras show up as: Plethora of rapid shifting colors that are difficult to discern
From's user avatar
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14 votes

How long does it take to learn Thaumaturgy/Necromancy rituals?

Your answer can be found in the V20 core rulebook on page 230: Learning a new ritual can take anywhere from a few nights (Level One ritual) to months or years (Level Five ritual). Some mystics have ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.7k

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