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38 votes

Where do the Bête stand on LGBT issues?

First of all, a little look into the core book: Animal Attraction The good old animal attraction does care for sexual orientation since W20, did you know that? A male Bête could sway a gay man just as ...
Trish's user avatar
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31 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

Vampire Elders are more powerful than the most powerful Werewolves. While PC werewolves are much more powerful than PC vampires, the upper end of their power scales are very different - even before ...
nick012000's user avatar
  • 14.1k
30 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

The werewolves are likely to win almost every battle, but the vampires would likely win any full scale war. Overall they aren't likely to care too much about each other. The vampires have every ...
TimothyAWiseman's user avatar
21 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

Numbers, for one thing. There's about a tenth as many werewolves as there are vampires, and those are divided among thirteen tribes. (One estimate sets the number of Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers ...
Jadasc's user avatar
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18 votes

Where do the Bête stand on LGBT issues?

Per this blog post, the 2016 Mind's Eye Theater W:tA book from By Night Studios appears to present a female trans Black Fury who is accepted as female by her tribe. Verity Argyris is introduced as a ...
G_B's user avatar
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16 votes

Is it possible to make a character who's a mixture of character types from the differnet World of Darkness games?

There are several crossovers, but note... As it is, yes, there are ways to mix "templates", but these are very restricted. (Please note that I am mostly interred in the 20th Anniversary editions) ...
David_Kane's user avatar
16 votes

On Werewolves and Plastic Surgery

Let's start! Plastic Surgery The normal procedure for an operation is: put the patient under anesthetics (total or partial), then do the operation with steel instruments, sew closed, let it heal. At ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 46.9k
13 votes

Can a hybrid Metis be born of parents of different Changing Breeds? If so, what happens?

No. Just No. You can not be a Metis that is of two different Changing breeds. That's simply not allowed at all. You are either a Metis Garou or a Metis Ratkin. You are not a Hybrid. Coupling between ...
Trish's user avatar
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11 votes

Is it possible to make a character who's a mixture of character types from the differnet World of Darkness games?

Outside of particularly proscribed limits, no. The drive to mix-and-match has always been pretty strong, so many of the signature abilities are restricted to a given character type. (To use Spheres, ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
11 votes

Which of the 21 fictional companies listed as owned by Pentex in Book of the Wyrm are references to real companies?

Endron International A reference to the Enron Corporation. Both are primary energy companies (Endron is an oil company, Enron was focused on electricity and natural gas) that have become conglomerates ...
indigochild's user avatar
  • 19.6k
11 votes

How would a Garou missing an arm affect its stats?

There's a flaw in W20, p474 in my book One Arm (3 pt. Flaw) You were either born with only one arm or lost your arm through an injury of some sort. You suffer no secondary-hand penalty, since you ...
CatLord's user avatar
  • 21k
9 votes

Werewolves in space?

I haven't found any rules in W:TA which address the physical realities of being in space. However, there are some sections that describe how to deal with the spiritual world. I'm also sticking to the ...
indigochild's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I calculate damage?

I just looked over my copy of 1e and wow is that poorly worded. The whole combat section seems to imply damage is a flat number though as you said the damage dice pool is referenced elsewhere. The ...
Kuro_Neko's user avatar
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9 votes

How are Ajaba Metis being "hermaphrodites"?

Ajaba Metis are always infertile, not always hermaphrodites, and always deformed. Whenever Metis are fertile, it is explicitly mentioned. That is only the case for Kitsune and Nagah. In fact, W20 ...
Trish's user avatar
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8 votes

What is "the beast"?

First of all, there is more than one Umbra book, and they are pretty much the companion of Axis Mundi (2nd Ed) on Spirits. These books are pretty much what is given for info about the Garou side of ...
Trish's user avatar
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8 votes

How many gifts can a Werewolf have active at once?

There is no limit. I've just read over the rules for Gifts in W20, and there does not seem to be any mention of a limit on the number of Gifts a werewolf can use at once. However, many Gifts require ...
nick012000's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a full-text version of the Litany?

No Wikipedia includes a list of Werewolf books. My collection includes most of them. Although I read through the books that seemed most appropriate, and didn't find anything that looked like the text ...
indigochild's user avatar
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7 votes

Page 189 of which Werewolf Players Guide has "guidelines for cross-Gift learning"?

The reference is definitely accurate to the 2nd edition Werewolf Player's Guide - which features on page 189 a section titled "Trade Secrets" describing the guidelines for characters learning Gifts or ...
Carcer's user avatar
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7 votes

Metis Silver Fang - is such thing even possible?

This is very late, but there is actually an official listed metis Silver Fang! Two Tails is a Metis Ragabash Silver Fang cub. He seeks vengeance for unspecified reasons. There's no exact ...
anon's user avatar
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7 votes

What happens when stepping sideways?

Page 309 of the Corebook. System: To step sideways, a werewolf needs to meditate on a highly reflective surface, such as a clear pool of water or a mirror. When a character attempts this, roll that ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
7 votes

Where do the Bête stand on LGBT issues?

The Mokole Breedbook (page 100) actually addresses homosexual relationships and that they are accepted (though most mokole are "not so oriented") because they can have healthy long-lasting ...
Jesara's user avatar
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7 votes

What if the players refuse to join the questing pack in the Valkenburg Foundation?

There has been an errata provided. It was posted on the White Wolf website, but is now accessible through the Wayback Machine: Refusal: The characters should be urged in every way to take ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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7 votes

Can Vampires learn Gifts?

What are gifts? Gifts are abilities that stem from a pact with a spirit. Axis Mundi (a supplement intended for Werewolf and Mage) goes into quite a bit of depth about where gifts come from. Any one ...
indigochild's user avatar
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7 votes

Where do I find charms for Wyrm elementals?

This question is in fact an odd one, as the solution is quite hidden: It's not back in the Antagonists Chapter of any Core book, all Spirits there have Charms instead of Gifts 1, 3, 5. It doesn't help,...
Trish's user avatar
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6 votes

Rite of Talisman Dedication, Containers & Pockets

W20 The cost is one Gnosis point per object dedicated, and a character may never have more objects bound to himself than his Gnosis score. Conceptually linked groups of objects may count as a single ...
Yasskier's user avatar
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6 votes

Can a Garou create a fetish using bones of another Garou?

Should you allow it? Bloody Bandages sets a precedent that Garou of the Wyld use their own flesh in crafting Talens/Fetishes without consequences from the spirits. I don't know a reason to treat a ...
godskook's user avatar
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6 votes

What does Fertile Essence mean for a female Mokolé?

Nowhere in the flaw is it stated that you have to be male. There is no reason for the effect to be male only. You can say that a female with this flaw simply makes people pregnant with copies of ...
Oxtrooo's user avatar
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6 votes

Vampire the Masquerade Discipline vs Werewolf Fetish

As unsatisfactory as this answer might be, i'm pretty sure that these cross-system interactions are left to storyteller devices. While i lack a clear reference ( and i encourage anyone wielding one ...
Mister Amen's user avatar
6 votes

Could an Ananasi actively try to care/have empathy?

Canonically Yes, They Can Care First, the Ananasi breedbook page 84 lists the Empathy Flaw which seems to be exactly what you need. In fact, the Flaw makes one care about others, including strangers ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
6 votes

Can a hybrid Metis be born of parents of different Changing Breeds? If so, what happens?

Mechanically, no. In-universe, possibly. So, there are no rules for belonging to two different Changing Breeds - but just because you won't be both a wererat and a werewolf simultaneously doesn't mean ...
nick012000's user avatar
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