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Ardavion's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
17 votes

Unhate-able Villains

17 votes

How much does a body weigh?

8 votes

How does Sound Constitution exactly work?

7 votes

Mastering Telekinetic Discipline?

7 votes

What XP counts to acquire new ranks? Spent XP or earned XP?

7 votes

Mechanicus and armor

6 votes

How do I implement a money-based economy?

5 votes

Avoiding slow and boring combat

5 votes

Edit video feed to loop: single or multiple files?

3 votes

How can I calculate how many Corruption Points I should give to each party member in a given situation?

3 votes

Does the psyker have to roll for psychic phenomena every time he wants to use a psychic ability while pushing?

3 votes

What does increased caster level affect?

2 votes

Comparing package-based and traditional character generation in Eclipse Phase

2 votes

What size is a maze runner?

2 votes

How would I simulate the multi stage fitness test?

2 votes

How does a psyker choose which disciplines he takes?

2 votes

How can we protect a ship from magical rain of Acid?

1 vote

What happens to spells (buffs, curses, etc) that are active on you when you die?

1 vote

Film noir character archetypes

1 vote

How can I implement multiclassing?

0 votes

How do Cancel type spells work in Rolemaster?