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Lucas Leblanc's user avatar
Lucas Leblanc's user avatar
Lucas Leblanc
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Dallas, TX
36 votes

What is the mechanical difference between the Glaive and the Halberd?

32 votes

How to justify my thematic spell selections to other players saying they're underpowered?

25 votes

What's the use for proficiency with a gaming set?

23 votes

How is True Polymorph not completely unbalanced?

23 votes

How can I signal the scope of an adventure to players?

22 votes

My DM asked me to stop roleplaying hostility toward another PC, but it fits my character

19 votes

How do spell modifiers and damage work with cantrips?

19 votes

Would adding Necromancy spells to the Druid's spell list break anything?

18 votes

Trying to fix my DM mistakes by starting a new campaign

17 votes

Don't understand where to get all the derived stats during character creation

17 votes

Is my DM being too severe?

16 votes

What are the implications of allowing Dex to Hit and Damage?

13 votes

The World Will End, But Not Tomorrow (or How to Manage Unwarranted Urgency in Players)

11 votes

Why would I ever choose rolling hit points?

10 votes

How Would a Bard's Popularity Spread?

8 votes

How do ranged weapons work

7 votes

How to make D&D-like Alignment work

7 votes

What is the reason behind hiding the difficulty level in systems that keep DCs hidden?

6 votes

Dealing with difficult male players, when you're a new female player?

6 votes

How to Cast Reincarnate On Yourself After You Have Died?

6 votes

How do I narrate a Called Shot to the head?

5 votes

How does "stacking" poisons affect the poison save DC?

5 votes

What Aspects of Pathfinder Are Most Important for New Players?

4 votes

Looking for a versatile but reasonably fast combat system for hard sci-fi setting

4 votes

How can I make this adventure more exciting?

4 votes

How to deal with player MacGyver-ism?

4 votes

What AC is used when a prepared action is used to shoot something thats being thrown?

4 votes

Is homebrewing D&D okay?

4 votes

How do I make interrogations interesting?

4 votes

8 hour sessions require a meal! How can we incorporate meal breaks into the game itself?