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Tashio's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Pretoria
41 votes

How does the Fireball spell's area of effect work when cast in a corridor or small room?

33 votes

Is there a good way to determine the value of magic items in 5e?

30 votes

Are there limits or costs to Wishing forever for ability score increases?

28 votes

Do a druid's uses of the Wild Shape feature recharge if they take a short rest while still in Wild Shape?

25 votes

How to allow cantrips to be changed

23 votes

How do I handle attacks with multiple damage types on an unconscious player?

22 votes

How does Hazirawn work in Hoard of the Dragon Queen? [Spoilers]

20 votes

How much damage do torches used as improvised weapons do?

18 votes

Does the Sharpshooter feat work on ranged spells that require an attack roll?

17 votes

Can a Half-Elf reach Charisma 22 naturally?

15 votes

Can the Nystul's Magic Aura spell make you immune to/unable to be targeted by the Dominate Person spell?

14 votes

When turning undead in close confines, what do trapped undead do?

14 votes

Are skills only improved via proficiency and ability scores?

14 votes

Does the monks dex bonus to attacks/damage stack with finesse weapons?

13 votes

Does "Speak with Dead" work with (well preserved) skeletons?

12 votes

Monk's Martial Arts and Polearm Master

11 votes

Does the Clone spell make someone effectively immortal?

11 votes

How do you activate a troll's variant rule: Loathsome Limbs?

10 votes

Do skills exist in D&D 5e?

10 votes

How do you know if a weapon is two-handed in D&D2E?

10 votes

Do gauntlets do anything?

9 votes

Dualwielding non-proficient Pact Weapon: are you proficient with the off-hand?

9 votes

How does "Flexible Casting" give more spell slots?

9 votes

What is the extent of the commands a Cambion can issue through Fiendish Charm?

8 votes

Are there limitations on what spells a creature can cast while holding a readied spell?

8 votes

If I multiclass into Paladin, can I use up any class's spell slots for Divine Smite?

7 votes

Combining various AC-providing clothing and armor

6 votes

Does a Draconic Ancestry Sorcerer's Elemental Affinity apply to a Dragonborn's Breath Weapon?

6 votes

How can I get mic-shy players invested in roleplaying over Skype?

6 votes

How should I implement False Appearance?