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Fering's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
41 votes

Pathfinder Damage Dice Steps

22 votes

Can the spell Shocking Grasp damage more than one target at the same time?

19 votes

Are listed gem values the buy or sell price?

19 votes

What is the benefit of a Necklace of Fireballs?

18 votes

Is an Empowered Magic Missile more missiles or more damage per missile?

18 votes

Can I jump while flying?

16 votes

Spell slots without spells of the same level known

15 votes

If a spell has material components that are normally consumed, would casting that spell on an invalid target still cause them to be consumed?

15 votes

How to make a simple deck of magical cards that will be drawn randomly?

14 votes

What happens when you kill a lich and keep its phylactery?

12 votes

Can Dancing Lights be used to Dazzle an opponent?

11 votes

Dream Experiences and experience gain

11 votes

Can I combine effects of 19 Deathwines?

10 votes

How would a large character use stealth?

9 votes

Does constitution modifier math into racial HD health in DnD 3.5?

9 votes

How exactly do backpacks work?

9 votes

Can power attack be used with bows?

9 votes

Can you draw a wand while walking?

8 votes

Does making an item slotless increase its price?

8 votes

Can you escape from hold person after failing the inital check?

8 votes

Do speed bonuses stack with each other?

8 votes

What's the best way to resolve a paradox created when a mage shapeshifted into a larger creature enters an antimagic field, but its true form doesn't?

8 votes

Can you take a spellcasting class without having at least a 10 in the casting attribute?

7 votes

Are there any size increases that don’t reduce Dexterity?

7 votes

What's the difference between making magic items with Permanency and with crafting?

7 votes

Can I recall a Magical Lineage Intensified Shocking Grasp with a Pearl of Power (1st)?

7 votes

How much would it cost to craft a wand of scorching ray?

6 votes

How does energy resistance affect regeneration?

6 votes

What benefit does the Ring of Spell Knowledge have over the Page of Spell Knowledge?

6 votes

Does Death Knell kill creatures with Regeneration?

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