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Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
Daniel R. Collins
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

How do I get my D&D group to engage to a minimum

11 votes

Why would anyone kill a dragon rather than subdue it in OD&D?

5 votes

Falling damage based on creature size

20 votes

Why are we abbreviating Player's Handbook to PHB?

22 votes

What is the chance of rolling at least 10 before a 1 on a d20?

3 votes

How to make "becoming lost" interesting?

8 votes

Is "1d10 rerolling 1&2" equivalent to "1d8+2"?

47 votes

What is the etymology of Mind Blank?

1 vote

What are some monsters or spells that could trap NPCs for a long time without killing them?

0 votes

How long is the Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4) campaign?

1 vote

How to arbitrate climactic moments in which characters might achieve something extraordinary?

3 votes

Are there no RAW effects of a saddle, bit, or bridle?

3 votes

Would the breath of a red dragon set anything on fire?

8 votes

Does any source published prior to 5th Edition attest that Strahd von Zarovich is the first vampire ever?

2 votes

Do wizards not cast spells in their free time?

14 votes

Do/did any major RPGs have "hidden rules" or "spells that do things other than what they say"?

6 votes

Can you teleport others without teleporting yourself?

1 vote

Exactly how smart are Demon Lords? Demogorgon in particular

25 votes

Does healing an unconscious, dying player character restore only up to 1 hp unless they have been stabilised?

5 votes

Is there an alternative word to be used in place of Humanoid?

6 votes

Is a wand of lightning bolts made of metal?

2 votes

How big is a 5000 gp diamond?

11 votes

What is the climate like in the area of Saltmarsh?

4 votes

How can a cleric hide a living body?

7 votes

How can I make players still feel rewarded after looting a dragon hoard?

2 votes

Consistency between "yes and" with "no, because I'm the DM"

21 votes

I'm a DM and I want a hiatus but don't know how to tell my players

6 votes

Can player characters get turned into zombies? And if they can, what changes?

3 votes

Why do most people consider a "00" and a "0" on a percentile roll a 100?

18 votes

How do role-playing games avoid lame duck scenarios?