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Eidolon108's user avatar
Eidolon108's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
120 votes

I dislike how players accurately place fireballs. Is there an alternative?

38 votes

Is there a lore-based reason for verbal components in arcane spellcasting?

24 votes

When the Shocking Grasp cantrip hits, can it trigger the Tempest cleric's Wrath of the Storm reaction?

24 votes

Do Guidance and Bardic Inspiration bonus dice stack?

21 votes

Can you use your Attack of Opportunity to Shove?

20 votes

Rules for Stranglers

18 votes

Should I run Death House or Phandelver in preparation for Curse of Strahd?

8 votes

Is there anything preventing a Lawful Evil Paladin?

6 votes

What do you see if you cast Darkvision on yourself, but your retinas are damaged and you cannot see normally?

4 votes

My players insist that I use “rule zero” for their benefit. How do I get them to accept that I don't want easier house rules?

2 votes

How ripe for abuse is a homebrew spell that modifies the weight of an object?

1 vote

Rulebook Requirements for Curse of Strahd

1 vote

How can I gain resistance to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage while in heavy armor?