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TimothyAWiseman's user avatar
TimothyAWiseman's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
82 votes

Was this the right call? Player rolled a great Intimidation check on an enemy that wouldn't normally be intimidated

77 votes

How did towns mundanely protect themselves against Dragons or bring them to the ground?

59 votes

How should I restrain myself when both playing a character and DMing?

57 votes

What do I do about a prescriptive GM/player who argues that gender and sexuality aren’t personality traits?

53 votes

When should I fudge dice rolls?

51 votes

How to handle a GM cheating in the players’ favor?

50 votes

Should I discuss the type of campaign with my players?

50 votes

How can I deal with the Remove Curse spell spoiling my plot hooks?

50 votes

How can I make my PCs flee?

47 votes

Simulating these special dice on more regular dice

47 votes

How can I convey my disappointment in players ignoring huge hints

46 votes

Tried all the existing advice, but players still never roleplay fear

44 votes

How to challenge a pacifist party

43 votes

I want to nerf my character for roleplay purposes, but I fear I might have the "My Guy Syndrome"

39 votes

How do I prevent my players from hopping on a railroad when I'm not railroading?

38 votes

As a DM, how much freedom does one have to create new rules for use in game?

36 votes

Can the DM override racial traits?

35 votes

Can you make armor with multiple elemental resistances using only wool and copper? And how much time and money would it cost?

34 votes

How can I avoid straw manning any belief I am against in my game?

34 votes

Problems Regarding a Mary-Sue type Player Character

33 votes

How to kill a character without making their player too angry

31 votes

How do I get player characters who have non-adventurer backstories to go on adventures?

30 votes

Is there any canon lore reason why urban werewolves haven't destroyed vampires (or vice versa)?

29 votes

Is there a plausible explanation for a large number of armed adventurers in a fantasy RPG setting?

28 votes

How to answer to someone saying D&D is stupid?

28 votes

How do I fix the group tension caused by my character stealing and possibly killing without provocation?

27 votes

How do I telegraph that an encounter that was too difficult before is now achievable?

27 votes

How can I deal with a 'bump on a log player' who doesn't really do anything except when told?

25 votes

What should I do if my character is deeply related to a villain that they are loyal to (the villain has recently revealed themselves)?

24 votes

Should I quit my D&D game because my DM still is showing favoritism?

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