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Apocalisp's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
50 votes

Do you have to be proficient in armour to use it?

46 votes

What is a horse's travel pace?

37 votes

Is this homebrew life-stealing melee cantrip unbalanced?

33 votes

What benefit would races with extra hands have?

29 votes

Can a character dodge/fly if they use up all their speed?

20 votes

Can I get a paladin's steed by True Polymorphing into a monster that can cast Find Steed?

15 votes

Is my soulless catatonic body a valid target for the Imprisonment spell?

15 votes

Can the Dancing Sword be attacked?

14 votes

Can a gem used as the material component for the Magic Jar spell also be used for the Imprisonment spell?

14 votes

How to make monsters level appropriate during a session?

13 votes

Can you move a creature you're grappling but frightened of?

13 votes

Does Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage allow a party to start after level 6?

11 votes

Can a creature tell when it has been affected by a Divination wizard's Portent?

11 votes

Can I carry a bead of Delayed Blast Fireball in a flask and then throw it?

10 votes

Which "anti-lie-detection" features actually affect Zone of Truth?

10 votes

When a roll is rerolled, how does it interact with other roll-manipulation features (like the Lucky feat)?

10 votes

Elemental adept Vs Spell damage resistance trait

9 votes

Do Rings of Sustenance officially have any potential detrimental side effects?

9 votes

Does the spell Rope Trick fail if the rope is longer than the height of the room?

9 votes

As a Hexblade Pact of the Blade warlock, if I use my pact weapon bow as an improvised melee weapon, which benefits carry over?

8 votes

Anydice formula for Great Weapon Master Feat

8 votes

Is a creature in the area of a Wall of Water spell trapped in ice when hit by the Ray of Frost cantrip?

8 votes

Is a creature aware of the circumstances surrounding its resurrection?

7 votes

How much information should I impart to my players for starting Storm King's Thunder?

7 votes

Can tremorsense be used to target already-cast spells?

7 votes

How to find out what spells would be useless to a blind NPC spellcaster?

6 votes

What's the maximum (average) damage that can be dealt in one round by a 20th level character with at least two levels of Fighter?

6 votes

What are the main differences between Basic red box D&D (any version) and 5e?

6 votes

Can a Kraken choose how far to throw something with the Fling action?

5 votes

Can undead created by Animate Dead use magic wands?