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okeefe's user avatar
okeefe's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Boston
10 votes

What is the name of this post-apocalyptic setting?

10 votes

Does Stunned make you Flat-Footed?

9 votes

Does Burning Wheel have a default rounding rule?

9 votes

Is there night in Alpha Complex?

9 votes

Why was Tremere unable to become immortal as a mage?

9 votes

Are there any third party rules for luck points in Dungeon World?

9 votes

What is the impact of having many relationships among Dogs themselves?

9 votes

What happens when you touch a Sphere of Annihilation?

9 votes

What die rolls are open-ended?

9 votes

How do you handle Reach in Dungeon World?

9 votes

Which rpg system supports freeform magic and is intended for Fantasy games?

9 votes

How can I encourage players to Spout Lore?

9 votes

How can I murder people and lie about it?

9 votes

Pre-built square-grid maps?

9 votes

Do Druid animal companions go up in size with HD and gain size-based stat increases?

9 votes

Ray of Frost versus Stone Blood - is it redundant?

9 votes

Is it possible to Shift through opponents?

9 votes

What happened to the D&D power cards?

9 votes

How to simulate distraction during battle without actually distracting the players?

9 votes

What are the best alternatives to cards for initiative in Savage Worlds?

9 votes

How to make magic items more interesting?

9 votes

How to fix this scenario for D&D Encounters?

9 votes

What are some alternatives to using miniatures for games that require them?

9 votes

"Learn a new RPG a year": Which systems are a must-know?

8 votes

How to handle a rules-lawyer player?

8 votes

How do you handle an early death in Dread?

8 votes

Building a good comedy adventure?

8 votes

Why does everyone carry a 10' pole?

8 votes

Does killing an enemy in combat count against morality in World of Darkness?

8 votes

How valid is lying to players about the rolls they are making in The Dresden Files?

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