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Rob Rose's user avatar
Rob Rose
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
46 votes

How can a character create a Spell Scroll?

24 votes

How does Multiple Damage types work with Multiple Resistances?

11 votes

Are the dice for the Barbarian Path of Ancestrial Guardians Spirit Shield d8s or d6s?

9 votes

Is there a magic weapon that a monk could use for unarmed strikes?

9 votes

Is D&D Beyond's full name "Dungeons & Dragons Beyond"?

7 votes

Are there rules for creating level 0 characters?

6 votes

Can College of Lore magical secrets be traded at level up?

5 votes

What software does the WOTC design team use to layout the rulebooks?

4 votes

Can one acquire digital core rulebooks?

3 votes

Which spells should I write down on my character sheet?

2 votes

How would you bring an inanimate object to life as an ally?

2 votes

Is grabbing an opponent's arms to prevent casting within the "scope" 5e's combat?

1 vote

Can you choose to do less damage?

1 vote

How to throw off suspicion for the big reveal in a way that it is not unfairly blindsiding them?

0 votes

Does proficiency in saving throws prevent taking certain feats?

0 votes

Is there a searchable index for WotC images published in Dragon/Dungeon magazine?

-2 votes

Is there a way to detect Modified Memories?