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Rubberduck's user avatar
Rubberduck's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
17 votes

Why does the point buy system allow players to put "8" in one slot only?

15 votes

Effects of stats rolled with 3d6 in order

11 votes

Is rain considered Running Water for a Vampire's weakness?

11 votes

How many kobolds does it take to dig a Pit Trap?

10 votes

Cleric with no religion knowledge

9 votes

Hx with a PC deliberately taking harm from another PC in Apocalypse World

8 votes

"Ray of Frost" Spell + Water = Lock Broken?

8 votes

What items do players start with?

8 votes

How do you make a vampire cleric stay dead?

8 votes

What are the basic costs of living in an Eberron campaign setting?

7 votes

Apocalypse World without Fronts: Are we missing out?

6 votes

How do I deal with a Technomancer who uses a *lot* of sprites?

6 votes

As DM, what should I do when players roll perception where there is nothing to be found?

6 votes

What happens if a character has more than one gang?

5 votes

How can I learn how to lay out an "evidence scene"?

5 votes

What to do when your PCs skip an important part of the story line

5 votes

Starting a campaign at higher level

5 votes

How to handle character death in adventures with save-or-dies

4 votes

Contacts, and how to use them?

2 votes

Giving away too much information about alignment?

2 votes

How do you present plot hooks to string together premade adventures?

1 vote

How Can I Make Supplies Matter In D&D 3.5e?

1 vote

Tips to run engaging exploration in 4e

1 vote

How much detail should I include in medieval maps for players?

0 votes

How can I run a 5 character adventure with fewer players?

0 votes

How do I represent semi-realistic gun fire-fights using Pathfinder/D&D 3.5 cover rules?