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Alex Millette
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
39 votes

Does going to 0 hp due to the Immolation spell mean instant death? And is that reasonable?

19 votes

If you misty step 30 feet straight up do you have time to attack a foe next to you before you start falling?

18 votes

Why does Sacred Flame specify that the target gets no benefit from cover?

13 votes

Can you use Wish to allow yourself to cast Wish without risks?

10 votes

What spells or magic items are available to detect lies?

9 votes

What can a creature affected by a Warlock's 'Hurl Through Hell' do?

7 votes

Must the DM be told before a game what magic items a PC owns?

7 votes

How would a level 20 Moon druid defeat a Forcecage?

6 votes

How well do the 2017 UA Mass Combat rules work?

6 votes

When would someone in a Sculpt Spell's 'pocket of safety' take damage?

4 votes

Would a race with bludgeoning, piercing or slashing resistance be overpowered?

2 votes

Can an AL DM prevent you from getting access to a Magic item obtained between two of his sessions?

1 vote

Is my homebrew paladin subclass based on Noelle from Genshin Impact balanced?

0 votes

How does the mezzoloth's teleportation work?