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Joe Bedurndurn's user avatar
Joe Bedurndurn's user avatar
Joe Bedurndurn
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
51 votes

How do I not cheapen death, while also respecting my players' time?

30 votes

Do desert heat hazards actually pose a threat to a Pathfinder party?

29 votes

Can a sleeping character Hide?

18 votes

How can I make my PCs flee?

13 votes

How can I learn how to negotiate as an NPC?

13 votes

How to reveal initiative dice simultaneously online?

10 votes

What good is magic if your skill is better?

10 votes

How to make GURPS combat fast?

9 votes

What happens to my caster roll when maintaining a power that targets 5?

9 votes

Where do the standard racial tropes for Dwarves come from?

8 votes

How do Berzerk and Shaken interact?

7 votes

How do I get the PCs to visit scary places at night?

6 votes

Is there any information on how exactly verbal spell components must be phrased?

6 votes

What is the physical stress cap for a Diminutive Size creature with Claws?

5 votes

Do you use character sheets? Or, do you use a blank sheet of paper?

5 votes

What is the threshold strength of the sunrise?

4 votes

Can you keep someone from running away?

3 votes

Does ASF Apply to the Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil Class Abilities?

2 votes

Should the DM try to actively fix party wealth in a sandbox game?

1 vote

Is Improved Trip / Combat Reflexes / Elusive Target / Spiked Chain overly powerful?

-2 votes

Should PCs be limited to choosing forms into which to polymorph (or wild shape, etc.) that the PCs have previously encountered?

-4 votes

If my Initiator Level is high enough, can I take Stances of a level higher than 1st when I take my first level in a martial adept class?

-4 votes

What iPhone / iPad apps do you use for gaming?

-5 votes

How to rule a permanently blind PC in D&D 4e?