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William's user avatar
William's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
18 votes

Are the cleric and druid spell lists separate for purely thematic reasons, or due to other balancing factors in the class designs?

15 votes

Should a Bard's instrument cause psychic damage to a player that cast mage hand to play it?

15 votes

Can an Intellect Devourer mentally detect a Flumph?

9 votes

Actual length of resting

7 votes

How can I continue to access Wizards of the Coast's D&D 3.5 Web articles?

4 votes

Attract powerful creatures to kill then animate

1 vote

Gathering people for online games

1 vote

What mundane process or spell effect is required to artificially create or modify gemstones?

1 vote

Can RPGs be played "offline" or "asynchronously"?

1 vote

Consequences of stalling 10th level progression

1 vote

How to link a protective ward to a 'key' object?

0 votes

Dungeon World Leveling at level 10

0 votes

How does Eldritch Conduit for Rogues Work?