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user902383's user avatar
user902383's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

How do I get my PCs to not be a bunch of murderous cretins?

9 votes

Can a D&D Necromancer be of a good alignment?

6 votes

How should I handle retconning (or not) a session with a drunk player and character deaths?

5 votes

How to stop a player constantly using Detect Magic/Evil?

4 votes

Does Water Breathing + a full waterskin = infinite “air”?

3 votes

My players are thinking of abandoning my NPC. What should I do?

3 votes

How do I not cheapen death, while also respecting my players' time?

2 votes

Can you help me understand the RPG rules behind Planescape:Torment?

2 votes

How to Handle a Powergamer / Munchkin

1 vote

How do I transition my players from roll-playing to role-playing?

1 vote

How to protect my human from vampires

0 votes

How can I make downtime interesting?

0 votes

Would a vampire "Kingpin" be tolerated by the Camarilla?

0 votes

How do I play in an adventure as a player that I have run as a DM?