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David Allan Finch's user avatar
David Allan Finch
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
36 votes

How do I help my players not get caught up on smaller plot points?

20 votes

What happens in adventure locations between adventures?

17 votes

How can I efficiently manage Ship to Ship Tactical Combat and Boarding?

16 votes

How much detail should I include in medieval maps for players?

16 votes

Does a skill at d4-2 count for the wild die too?

16 votes

3d6 vs a d20: What is the effect of a different probability curve?

13 votes

collections of free online pregenerated wilderness maps?

13 votes

Savage Worlds wild dice and attacking with two weapons

11 votes

Can magic items that deal fire damage function underwater?

10 votes

What would be a good randomiser to use for a game in the dark?

9 votes

When a skill has a flat bonus, does that apply to the Wild Die as well?

9 votes

How do group Stealth rolls work?

9 votes

As a GM, how does one deal with all of the players playing nearly identical characters?

8 votes

Do spells need to roll 4+ even if they are opposed rolls?

8 votes

What would be the best system to play a Mission Impossible or James Bond game?

7 votes

How do you keep the party on the map?

7 votes

What happened to the D&D power cards?

7 votes

Finding time to play

7 votes

In early D&D, why would chainmail ever be preferred over plate armor?

6 votes

Do you get a save vs Falling Damage?

6 votes

Combat rules for large battles

6 votes

How do you plan Savage Worlds combats based on PC ability?

6 votes

What are the things every Savage Worlds player should know?

6 votes

What tools are available to create custom dungeon maps?

6 votes

Can a lich be controlled by control undead?

6 votes

Where to buy just the plastic cases for dice?

5 votes

Does Full Defense assume you're also Defending?

5 votes

Messing with the Wild Die?

5 votes

Aced d4s vs skill development in Savage Worlds

5 votes

Do powers (especially miracles) require concentration?