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Alticamelus's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
26 votes

How do I get my PCs to not be a bunch of murderous cretins?

18 votes

Are there any good tabletop RPGs for young beginning players?

11 votes

Where does the D&D concept of a dwarf come from?

8 votes

How can I make BRP less variable?

7 votes

How to play a Templar Knight

7 votes

What exactly are Prestige classes, and what purpose do they serve?

5 votes

Would the alignment of a character with multiple personality disorder change?

5 votes

Are there any games that use dice pools of multiple dice?

5 votes

Are there good game mechanics/systems for a timetravel-heavy game/character?

5 votes

Dystopian sword & magic settings

4 votes

How do I get the PCs to stop focusing on a red herring?

4 votes

Biggest GM pitfalls for new GMs?

4 votes

How do I keep NPCs from just sounding the alarm?

3 votes

How can I encourage zombie investigation?

3 votes

What is a good way to get started with Tekumel gaming?

3 votes

What would you pick as the "four elements" of mind?

3 votes

How do you kidnap a PC?

3 votes

Dice mechanic that handles very easy and very difficult tasks

3 votes

How do you help players not focus on the rules?

2 votes

Will there be a successor to the Tentacles and Kraken conventions?

2 votes

Playing on IRC, getting started

2 votes

System for alignment of gods

2 votes

How to introduce item descriptions

2 votes

What skill should PCs use to find information in books in D&D 3.5e?

1 vote

What role-playing games have good gamemaster advice sections?

0 votes

How much damage is caused by a thrown coin?

0 votes

Any advice for playing characters who are older (much older) than the player?

0 votes

How to use social skills versus player characters

-2 votes

How should a GM deal with "standing orders?"

-5 votes

Narrativist Gaming: How do you transition more traditionally-trained players into them?