To make it easier: a table of equivalent noise levels based on the one provided by Wikipedia, using this to calculateconvert the dB to pressure and vice versa and \$p_2=p_1\frac{1m}{distance}\$ between each point of reference. This assumes each step having the previous as a new step and ignores the unknown properties of the door, curtain and hallway - it basically assumesopenassumes open space.
\text{noise level} & \text{Pressure} & \text{At the door} & \text{At the curtain} & \text{In the room} & \text{equivalent noise level} & \text{This is...} \\
\text{in the Room} & \text{in the room} & \text{in 2m distance} & \text{down the hallway} & \text{10 feet in} \\
120\text{ dB} & 20 Pa &10 Pa & 1,64 Pa & 0,538 Pa & 88,6\text{ dB or a busy roadway} & \text{...clearly audible!}
110\text{ dB} & 6,32 Pa &3,16 Pa & 0,518 Pa & 0,170 Pa & 78,6\text{ dB or a loud car passing by} & \text{...clearly audible!}
100 \text{ dB} & 2\text{ Pa} &1\text{ Pa} & 0,164\text{ Pa} & 0,0538\text{ Pa} & 68,6\text{ dB or a loud TV} & \text{ over a normal conservation when the moment is not too noisy}
90\text{ dB} & 0,63\text{ Pa} &0,315 Pa & 0,0516 Pa & 0,016 \text{ Pa} & 58,6 \text{ dB or a normal TV} & \text{ against a normal conservation when the moment is somewhat lively}
80\text{ dB} & 0,2\text{ Pa} &0,1\text{ Pa} & 0,0164\text{ Pa} & 0,00538\text{ Pa} & 48,6\text{ dB or a normal conversation} & \text{ ...maybe audible if the conversation is more quetly and the ambient sounds are dimmed}
70\text{ dB} & 0,063\text{ Pa} &0,0315\text{ Pa} & 0,00516\text{ Pa} & 0,00169\text{ Pa} & 38,6\text{ dB or a not too calm room} & \text{ ...barely audible against a normal conversation}
(Second instance of table, for formatting/testing purposes)so the result should be treated as an order of magnitude.
\text{noise level} & \text{Pressure in the room/} & \text{equivalent noise level} & \text{This is...} \\
\text{in the Room} & \text{at the door/at the curtain/} & (dB)\\
& \text{10 ft. in next room (Pa)} \\
120\text{ dB} & 20/10/1,64/0,538 & 88,6\text{ (busy roadway)} & \text{...clearly audible!}
110\text{ dB} & 6,32/3,16/0,518/0,170 & 78,6\text{ (loud car passing by)} & \text{...clearly audible!}
100 \text{ dB} & 2/1/0,164/0,0538 & 68,6\text{ (loud TV)} & \text{ over a normal conservation when the moment is not too noisy}
90\text{ dB} & 0,63/0,315/0,0516/0,016 & 58,6 \text{ (normal TV)} & \text{ against a normal conservation when the moment is somewhat lively}
80\text{ dB} & 0,2/0,1/0,0164/0,00538 & 48,6\text{ (normal conversation)} & \text{ ...maybe audible if the conversation is more quietly and the ambient sounds are dimmed}
70\text{ dB} & 0,063/0,0315/0,00516/0,00169 & 38,6\text{ (a not too calm room)} & \text{ ...barely audible against a normal conversation}
\text{noise level} & \text{Pressure in the room/} & \text{equivalent noise level} & \text{This is...} \\
\text{in the Room} & \text{at the door/at the curtain/} & \text{in the next room}\\
& \text{10 ft. in next room [Pa]} \\
120\text{ dB} & 20/10/1,64/0,538 & 88,6\text{ dB or a busy roadway} & \text{...clearly audible!}
110\text{ dB} & 6,32/3,16/0,518/0,170 & 78,6\text{ dB or a loud car passing by} & \text{...clearly audible!}
100 \text{ dB} & 2/1/0,164/0,0538 & 68,6\text{ dB or a loud TV} & \text{ over a normal conservation when the moment is not too noisy}
90\text{ dB} & 0,63/0,315/0,0516/0,016 & 58,6 \text{ dB or a normal TV} & \text{ against a normal conservation when the moment is somewhat lively}
80\text{ dB} & 0,2/0,1/0,0164/0,00538 & 48,6\text{ dB or a normal conversation} & \text{ ...maybe audible if the conversation is more quetly and the ambient sounds are dimmed}
70\text{ dB} & 0,063/0,0315/0,00516/0,00169 & 38,6\text{ dB or a not too calm room} & \text{ ...barely audible against a normal conversation}