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Jun 16, 2020 at 23:32 comment added InternetHobo Just be careful with making simulacra from simulacra, the one you make have to obey you, they one they make have to obey them, but what happens when their masters disappear. If you ordered yours to order theirs to obey you it might work, but how long before the NPCs figure out that trick?
Sep 27, 2019 at 16:47 comment added Ben Barden technically, the simulacra duplication can be achieved in a different way - if you cast simulacra with your 7th-level slot, your simulacra can cast it again with his 8th-level slot, and both of the resultign simulacra will still ahve 9th-level slots to play with.
Apr 16, 2018 at 10:32 comment added Commissar Vasili Karlovic To be honest, the concept is the following: I'll create 2 simulacra; then I'll remove the negative effects of simulacrum (thus I will create a clone of myself) and repeat the process until the end of the campaign. When we finish the campaign, I'll start a clone war to annihilate draw elves (I'm a gentle evil deep gnome!)...
Apr 16, 2018 at 8:56 history answered gul CC BY-SA 3.0