The Kuo-toakuo-toa, according to the Monster ManualMonster Manual (p. 198), have a unique power detailed in the section God MakersGod Makers:
Kuo-toa worship gods of their own insane creation, but if enough kuo-toa believe that a god is real, the energy of their collective subconscious can cause that god to manifest as a physical entity.
Also, the Archpriests of the Kuo-Toakuo-toa archpriests (p. 200) are 10th level-level clerics...
The kuo-toa is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom. [...] The kuo-toa has the following cleric spells prepared:
...with notes about the source of this magic (p. 198):
An archpriest’s mad belief in its god is so fervent that it manifests the powers of a high cleric.
Factoring in these details, are the gods that the kuo-toa domains manifest comparable in power to the other gods from the pantheons listed in the Player's HandbookPlayer's Handbook?