ItsIt's not clear if equipment would be created
Does the True Polymorph spell form a creature with equipment? discusses if you can or cannot create equipment, with answers highly upvoted on both sides of the fence, so I think this is probably best left to the DM to decide. Normal polymporphpolymorph has this problem less often, because the normal beast stat blocks typically have no equipment, but could you polymorph, for example, into an armored sabre-tooth tiger, if you had seen such a beast, i.e. a sabre-tooth tiger in armor (like the one in Curse of Strahd)? The same goes for creatures that have been modified, for example by losing a limb. If you polymorph into that creature, will you have all the limbs? I think this is up to the DM. Equipment is listed as part of the creatures statistics, but stated designer intend is that it would not be copied.