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Dec 8, 2023 at 15:56 comment added Nobody the Hobgoblin @Yakk, yes I agree that this can work for the parameters as given. There is really no limit to the number of creatures, and the dragon is not stated to behave intelligently and adapt its tactics. Otherwise, it probably also would flee the scene in my or other answers if it is faster, because it would figure out that continuing in the same manner is a surefire road to extinction. If would go eat the young fire giant, and not approach a several soccer-field large mass of harengon.
Dec 8, 2023 at 15:50 comment added Yakk @NobodytheHobgoblin I am trying to answer the question as posed, which has a "The dragon employs the following tactics" section. Nothing in those tactics includes "burn down every location where the enemy could be hiding, or whatever it could be hiding as". As (by the rules of the shrub) it does not appear as a creature when it isn't moving, we get a situation where the proposed dragon's tactics don't work. But, even if it did, the above is a world-covering amount of enemies - the dragon to get a non-trivial rest has to clear out a country-sized number of shrubs before being exhausted.
Dec 8, 2023 at 12:42 comment added Nobody the Hobgoblin The dragon is pretty intelligent. Would it not realize all the shrubs are alive after a bunch of them attacked him? This may work given the proscribed tactics for the dragon, but it could easily burn a 90 foot diameter circle and land to rest. The 20 foot slow shubs could not move there to attack the same turn, as they would need to dash. An unlimited number in the end might still get him for exhaustion (as would an unlimited number of any creature that has an attack and can move).
Dec 8, 2023 at 7:40 comment added Senmurv @Yakk I think this might be the seed that grows into the best answer to this question. :) How long will it take the Ancient Red Dragon to reach the level of exhaustion which in the end kills it?
Dec 8, 2023 at 0:29 comment added KorvinStarmast The DM is not gonna run 1 trillion shrubs. This is an amusing answer, but not practical.
Dec 7, 2023 at 19:45 history answered Yakk CC BY-SA 4.0