We have done this. Many year ago, we had a similar situation in a Vampire game.
Characters whereThe characters were in a night club andclub; one of them was on the outside and saw a truck that was going to crash against it. The meta-gamer told then said that his character was going to the restroom. The Storyteller asked him why inat that precise moment his character (who didn't even pee) was going there, and he said his character could do whatever he wanted.
The ST didn't allow it, and I think he did right. Metagaming cheapens the game and the story, making characters do things incoherent with the plot. It also lessens the challenge. If your players metagame, you will have an illogicillogical, incoherent story.
That doesn't memean that fighting against metagaming is a task only for you. In our game group all players can warn when they think another one is metaplayingmetagaming. We ask frequently "How do your character know that?", or "Why is he suddenly changing his action?", or even "Are you sure that is not metagame?".
We set a system of penalties and rewards that we happily haven't needneeded to use yet. Establishing the system and thinking about the problem has made everyone aware, and reduced much reduced the metagaming.
So, talk to your players and explain why the metagamemetagaming makes everyone's game worse. Then tell them you need their help, and come up with means to avoid metagamemetagaming. And as a last resort, with actions extremely illogicillogical actions, don't allow them (IMHO).